I think I will choose yours if we can look at other colors for the text and I really like the green in the 2nd place logo. Can we get some of that in there as well?
I like the text spacing and the buildings from #2. The green is a nice touch. My gut tells me that P and T need to be in caps, but the lower case looks better. I am still debating on what colors for the text.
Hi Tegs, so I like entry #2(1st place) with its letter spacing, but with green and blue buildings. I like the color of text on both, but choose that of #102. Is that doable?
Thanks! Can you show me one last combo? #115 with the text color of #2 ie. green and blue bldgs with letters spaced out but with just black and gray text, please
yup we can certainly try that, I'll upload it in a second. and the gradients will print just fine :) I can send you any versions you like as well, so a black and white version, a transparent background version ect...
I don't want to mess up the dimensions you have already set so I hope it looks good. Thanks! Can we also make p and t lower case in entry #103 and space out physical therapy and optimize life? Can we also space out optimize life in entries 115, 130, and 128? I will decide later today. Thanks for all your help?
hey sorry I got called in to work at one of my other jobs, and haven't been home yet....I'll make the modifications right now and upload them for you, and yes I can give you any versions you would like :)
Wow--thx for all your hard work! If possible, I'd really like to download all versions except for the two with the capitalized P and T. What other versions do I need... you mentioned previously black and white and transparent? I'll take any and all backgrounds and versions if that's ok.
Wow--thx for all your hard work! If possible, I'd really like to download all versions except for the two with the capitalized P and T. What other versions do I need... you mentioned previously black and white and transparent? I'll take any and all backgrounds and versions if that's ok. The site mentions white background, black and white background, colored and solid colors. Can I get these in addition to all possible formats(png and AI)? I just don't know what I need for various print jobs, etc. so can I just get everything you have---ie. all vector files. I don't know anything about this stuff--I am just regurgitating from faq.lol
You are extremely talented!!!! I would love to utilize your services again in the future as I start other bizzes and will send people to you.