Not a big fan of designs #2 - #5 because they somewhat undermine the primary objective. By utilizing a skyscraper type building in the logo - it only furthers the notion that we primarily work with municipalities or in "downtowns." Our objective is to YELL to our various markets that we just don't decorate "downtowns" - we are the premier national providers of commercial decorations and banners to all markets and industries including retail centers, colleges, event venues, etc...
Really like your work on #42 - can we please see another variation where the dot above the D's is removed. The D's are scaled up to fit into the box and a smaller font - but not tiny - lowercase "i" next to the doubld "D".
So in the red box it would read "DDi" - can we see two options of this please - one with opposing "D"s and one with forward facing "D"s to read DDi?