These are much more on the mark than the first batch. There all very nice. My only comment would be that in general, the celebrity television stands out more than the name of the network. Dots has to be with out a doubt THE most dominant word on the page. Also try an exclamation mark after dots.
Regarding #67 and #68, I like the concept but I think that the dots running under the word dots can be a little confusing, but I do like them. Any thoughts on how to solve that?
Very nice job with #75 and #76. I think #75 works best. Is it possible to see it in a pure red and change the tag to only read, Celebrity Television. Nice job
Nice job on #145! It's my favorite of the logos that you have designed, one thing, I think the 'celebrity television" is not easily readable. Can you use a different font? Nice job!