DOMINOWORLDLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest

DOMINOWORLD has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 249 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.












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Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


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Logo Designer
First entry for your logo. Elegant, simple and depicts global. Please let me know if you'd like any changes. I'd be happy to make any adjustments on this and any subsequent entries.

(This comment references Entry #76)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Started this before you changed design directions to elegant. Fun, visual pun on "DOMINO WORLD". Thought I'd submit it just to see if you'd like the domino globe somehow incorporated in a smaller capacity in the word world. Just let me know if you'd like me to work up other designs with this element.

(This comment references Entry #77)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same as second entry, but changed the type to straight on for a cleaner look.

(This comment references Entry #78)
14 years ago
Hi Pam ... Sorry about changing directions. I just wasn't seeing much in the way of a clean, sophisticated logo that was sharp and serious. My error ... but, the entries are getting much better.

Very Interesting -- I do appreciate #78. I'm not sure about how the globe domino would work in actual print (but it is VERY creative) and I do like the creativity.

It might be a fun to incorporate this in a smaller capacity somewhere else as you suggested. How about very subtle meridian lines using the same shape with the dots?? May get too busy ?? just a throught?

The smaller dominoes might be good to carry the .com, .asia, eu engraved subtly in the end surface of each??

Comments: Use a 6/6 domino as this is the lead opening domino used in the game.

I like your use of colors and clean lines ... straight forward with a hint of fun and gaming.

I think the wording should be a bit larger if you don't think it will overwhelm the porportions?

Perhaps move the right side little dominoe a bit further away from the words so as not to block the word.

Lets try a slogan where the points are below the globe domino. (making better and clean use of this space??) "PLAY THE GAME" or "PLAYING THE GAME" ?? Perhaps a clean or different font?

#76 is pretty generic ... and I've looked at your portfolio ... and you have some really GREAT designs there. Perhaps you can elaborate, but I'm more interested in developing your other concepts.

Thanks ... good work. much appreciated.
14 years ago

If you are interested I have a design concept which I will be happy to send to you as a jpeg. I need your email address if you would like to see this. I've also sent the same to several other designers, but, I think your elements may work very well with this idea?


14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jordie,

Thanks so much for feedback. Yes, I would definitely be interested in seeing the design concept you have. Here's my email address:

Thanks for the interest in my work!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A different version playing up the dominos more, but still with a globe. Let me know what you would like changed, or added.

(This comment references Entry #82)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Slight variation from previous entry. Added the color around the dominoes. Feedback always appreciated and welcomed.

(This comment references Entry #83)
14 years ago
Pam ...#82 I LOVE the 3D effect. Perhaps, we might consider a more casual stacking of the dominoes .. but still keeping the ends visable for the .com .asia. .eu. I'm not sure the globe being so dynamic works for this ... kinda distracts from the overall ... but we do need to has some reference. Please refer to the jpeg samples .... Good communication ..... we are on the right track.


14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's a concept loosely based on the jpeg you sent. Let me know if you want any revisions ( for instance the black domino with the partial globe on it, etc.). Or just the black domino to keep from being redundant with the globes.

(This comment references Entry #92)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A slightly different take using the same dominoes and globe, but 3-D text.

(This comment references Entry #93)
14 years ago
Pam ... Moving forward ... yes.

#92 #93 I still think it needs more of something to make it the ultimate classic logo. Perhaps the ivory domino on top and two black or reverse that and one black and two ivory. Lets try the half globe on the top domino. Also, see if we can make the entire logo more "crisp and detailed" ... maybe use the globe I sent you in the artwork file?? How about trying different background colors? How about gold and red dots on the dominoes?? This still needs your magic touch to make it better ... I'm open to all thoughts at this level.

What program do you use for development?

14 years ago
Pam ... the domino colors in both #92 and #93 are a dull gray. Please lets use ivory or bone color (domino actual colors) ... bring life to dominoes. Also, I'm not sure of the red and orange combination. .. Play with this as well.... corporate, sophistication, globally recognized ... etc etc ...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jordie,

I'll play around with the colors of the dominoes and the name text, as well as brightening up the ivory of the dominoes. I'll eliminate the red/orange combo. Will post variations for your review. Thanks so much for feedback!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Ivory dominoes with red & gold dots.

(This comment references Entry #112)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New globe & globe on black domino per request.

(This comment references Entry #113)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Different color of font. More subtle, corporate.

(This comment references Entry #114)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Recolored words, replacing the red & orange with something a little more corporate.

(This comment references Entry #115)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
another visual pun.

(This comment references Entry #116)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New globe in a different layout.

(This comment references Entry #117)
14 years ago
Pam, I like #116 and #117 the best with the caveat that these both should be in the same porortion with the background globe as in #115. My comment is that I would move the everything up a bit higher against the world and move the world image to the right a little bit just to bring everything in closer..... or simply use the same world porportions that you used in #115. I like the overlap placement of the dominoes in #116 and #117 best with the globe porportions#115. I love the creativity of #116 with the domino surface on the globe. Really special.

I think a better depth color on the words would provide better contrast. The color of DOMINO WORLD and the 3d depth needs more contrast to make it stand out. Pam is there any way to make everything more detailed with sharp clean lines as all of this seems hazy or out of focus??

#113. Unfortunately, the detial of the Illustrator files I sent you did not transulate into this design. What I liked in my files was the percise detail and sharp lines. On#113, I can not even tell what is actually on the surface of the domino. The dots out of porportion to normal dominoes (maybe that is the way you intended this?) .. but, the dots seem to overwhelm the domino (and are not shadowed for depth)

I'm sorry about being so critical ... but I'm looking for the perfect worldwide logo ... Thanks,
14 years ago
Pam ... On #93 ... Please change the colors on DOMINOWORLD (anything sophisticated and happy (but NOT orange and red) and make the globe behind a little bigger to balance the porportions... keep everything else the same and see if this works better. If possible make all of this more detailed, crisp, sharp ....... THANKS
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Per your request I changed the colors on #93, to make them happy and bright. I also enlarged the globe slightly and moved it closer to the center, as you asked.
More to come in the morning. : )

(This comment references Entry #127)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Per your request, moved the globe, added depth to dots, sharpened domino edges, and sharpened text.
Let me know if you want any further changes on this one. Pam

(This comment references Entry #131)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
As with previous entry, moved the globe, added depth to dots, sharpened domino edges, and sharpened text.
Let me know if you want any further changes on this one. Pam

(This comment references Entry #132)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Changed the globe color.
Let me know if you want any changes on this one. Pam

(This comment references Entry #133)
14 years ago
Pam .... just to let you know I haven't forgotten you. We are getting so many designs that it's hard to make choices. With that said, your work is outstanding and I do NOT want to corner you into using only my suggestions. Please feel free to expand, elaborate, create and throw anything that is in your creative mind at me.


14 years ago
Logo Designer
I went in a different direction from my others. I think this looks Asian, Caribbean, exotic. Let me know what you think. Working on others around these elements.

(This comment references Entry #146)
14 years ago
Pam ... #146 I love the globe concept. I'm not excited about the orange behind the words even though it hits of Asia .. I prefer a cleaner look.... take a look at #106 for a background idea....

I do like your font and clean use of lettering but maybe no background color ... look at the colors in #106 as well ... Caribbean and subtle ... give that a try. Thanks,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Variation on last entry. Omitted the orange background per request.

(This comment references Entry #149)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another color variation.

(This comment references Entry #150)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New concept without a globe.

(This comment references Entry #157)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
And with a subtle globe.

(This comment references Entry #158)
14 years ago
Pam ... sorry about the dealyed response .. I had to go out of town yesterday.

I#157 and #158 are both GREAT. I prefer #157 because of the simplicity without the background globe. Just perhaps the globe needs to be more subtle or more abstract in #158.

IMPT! The font does not work. Let's try something clean and defined (without the metalic variation) such as #106 or #148. I like the clean edges and non generic fonts. HDTV? Perhaps try the "broadway" font with a clean edge or any others that are more refined.

But in my overall design taste ... you have definately captured the basic formula that I like in #157 ... please work on the font and keep the same layout.

14 years ago
#149 ... I like this as well. It's the font that is holding the design back. Clean lines, sophistication and sharp detail in the font will set it apart from the rest.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same as #157, but with a differentfont per request. Let me know if there is a particular color you widh to see the name in. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #167)
14 years ago
MUCH BETTER .... Great communication... No changes needed .. perfect. Thanks
14 years ago
Pam #167 .. Ref: previous message .... lets make the letters just a touch bigger so, as in porportion larger than the dominoes ....
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Will make the letters larger on #167. Will also post the same font on the globe one, #149, that you felt the font was holding back. These will come a little later this evening.
Thanks for all the feedback. : )

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the revision of #167, with the letters slightly larger.
Please let me know if they need to be enlarged further. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #170)
14 years ago
Pam .... I like it as long as you like it. I guess the best thing to do is compare your design sense with the competition at this point ... and see if you think any subtle changes would make it even better - feel free to throw them at me?? IT'S FANTASTIC. ... it's going to a busy 22 hours ... THANKS VERY MUCH ... This has been great ...
14 years ago
Pam ... #149 ... do you want to try a different font on this design? It's darn good as it is ... but, maybe we can try something else just for the sake of trying?? Up to you ...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's #149 with the revised font. Let me know if you want any further changes.
Thanks for all the constructive feedback! it's been a pleasure working with you.

(This comment references Entry #171)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I'll give it a whirl....
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Made just ever so slight tweaks to #170. Darkened the edges of the letters slightly, adjusted the goldish color of the "World" letters. Pam

(This comment references Entry #189)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Had to revisit my very first concept. You know what they say about first ideas.... Let me know if you'd like me to make any adjustments to this. Thanks! Pam

(This comment references Entry #190)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jordie,
Here's the DOMINOMUNDO version of entry #133.

(This comment references Entry #239)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's entry #131 revised for DOMINOMUNDO, with the blue font from #127.

(This comment references Entry #240)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #189 revised to read DOMINOMUNDO.

(This comment references Entry #241)
14 years ago
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