Thanks for the tips about commenting. I'm learning as I go. ;)
What I mean when I say it needs to transparent-friendly is... take #3 for example. If you remove the black and substitute it with a different background... the lettering will be hard to read unless there is a border definition around all graphical elements (including each little circle bubble as part of your rings). Also, the black in the center of the ring (if made transparent) would also possibly make the wording and rings tough to see depending on the new contrasting background. So, think border around elements and filling empty space inside. Does that help?
The Skype logo is a good example thank you. From this, I understand you want a logo that is always the same whether it's on a white of colored background. That's totally do-able. You should know that if you find yourself liking other entries that do not fit the Skype outline format, most designers will be happy to supply you with a reverse version of the winning logo in addition to the basic required files. Don't feel like you necessarily need to select one treatment that can do everything. Alt formats are common, and readily emailed to you after the contest.
#10 is my favorite so far. I'm curious if there are some other color combinations/treatments that you think would work with it as well? I'm excited to see some other options on that one!
#9 is good too... but you trumped yourself with #10 so it naturally had to take second for the time being. I like that it's legible and would suit a variety of applications (t-shirts, stickers, etc.)
If you have any ideas along the lines of the two you've already created... I'd totally like to see them! Keep up the great work!
I'd be happy to give you some other options, although a little more guidance from you would be helpful. For #10, are you more interested in different colors for the background, or the eq/Db meter lights? I can plug in any colors you like. This first pass is stylized based on on what I understand pro DJ equipment to look like. Were you looking for different colors entirely, or different shades? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks John. If I had to choose between #21 and #22, I like #22 (the grey border) better. When compared to #10 without the border, I think I still like #10 the best, but I can see certain applications where the grey border would also be cool. As for #19 and #20 (red and blue without borders)... I think #10 looks the best hands down. You got it right the first time, thanks for helping me validate that! :)
Between #23 and #24, I'm drawn more to the blue in #23... but I think #9 has a bolder blue and stands out better than all three. Another case of getting it right the first time! Hahah... Honestly the entire design is clean and that's what I like. I think a bunch of colors could be substituted depending on application and still look good. If we are including the logo on some flyers and the flyer has a certain color tone, then I'm sure a designer could adjust the colors in the logo to match the overall theme.
It looks like you've changed your mind about wanting a self-contained, Skype-type logo. Should I be focusing revisions based on this new direction? Please advise.
My apologies - I just got your comments. It doesn't email me for some reason, so I haven't been checking everyone's comment responses daily.
I really like your designs, so I'm kind of at a loss at what guidance to give you in terms of revisions. There were a few that came in that looked crisper at first glance, which is why my favorite of yours dropped out of the first position.
I definitely don't want you to feel like I've counted you out though, because the contest is not over. Regardless of how things turn out, I would like to use your designs on our apparel. The great thing about the "dmmg" brand is it's young and hip. We will have a primary logo, but I plan to acquire at least 10 of the designs in this contest for use on t-shirts, hats, hoodies... you name it.
Thanks! I certainly look forward to any new ideas you have. I'm sorry it's so last minute and there's only about a day left. I wish I would have checked sooner.
Thanks Bryan- I may well post some new ideas based on your new criteria.
Also, please know that by LT rules, I can't PM you until you PM me first. If you care to establish that link, just drop a PM note to me, and I will be able to alert you to any additional comments or entries.