I like the clock idea, but we start to loose the concise DL there. those initials are all I have going for me. If I don't convey those clearly I have a pretty picture. But overall I love the idea and overall layout here.
I like #72 I am ditching your others so you can focus on this. The letterform for the initials in going to be the winning idea, and I like the way you incorporate triathlon specific movement into the form.
I think that letterform works better if you angle the whole thing to the right slightly, while also pushing the dot (head) over relative to the L's circle. Slightly past the top of the L itself, over just into the orange part. That move combined with the overall rotation (maybe 5-10 degrees?)will really make that circle appear to be the front half of a person riding in aerobars,
The L itself needs to be a little wider overall. Just a touch. And maybe flip flop some colors to make the D and the L the same color? So you could outline the entire L circle part in any of either orange or blue or gray and then you make the actual L the same color as the D, while making the left portion of the circle white.
I am not good at this stuff, but what I want is a little more motion, a little more obvious bike and/or run and a little more obvious D and L. Nothing too tough right? The abstract letterform of my initials is going to take this contest, and I am really pulling for this.
Oh and finally, can you hang a pair of swim goggles over the right side of the logo. Just casually for fun?
I have tried to make several variations of the #72 like your feedback, so you can choose the best according to you. but I am not sure with your request to hang a pair of swim goggles over the right side of the logo. if you mean like #96 ?
I like #93 and #96 the best here. I want you to do a few things to it.
1. Take those goggles and hang them off the other end, the T in best. Like they were just thrown there as an afterthought.
2. I want you to put an aero helmet on that head.
3. I want you to change the bottom end of the L to slightly, just slightly appear to be a set of hands holding onto the ends of an aerobar. If you google search "aero position" you will have a very good idea of what I mean by gettiong that L to look like hands at the end. That L is basically the upper and lower arm of a rider.
ok #131 - #134 totally fucking awesome. Not sure which one I like best but #1 for sure.
Can you rotate the aero helmet counter clockwise just a touch? Like 5 degrees? I should explain... I am also a bike fitter and getting everything on a riders set up to be perfect is something I specialize in. But this is so good on the 1st shot. And seriously no more than 3-5 degree of rotation. And I guess the helmet is a little big for the head? I think the helmet fits the rest and maybe the head itself is just a touch small.
Finally, let those goggles hand down just a little straighter. Not so much sticking out. And I love it. 1st by a long shot for now.
I love contouring the head from 142-143 to 144-145. I see how you turned the helmet as well on the last two, BUT you turned it clockwise and not counter clockwise. Leave the head right where it is and cock that helmet back on the head just a little . Hard to say exactly how much but about half as much back past the original position as you just went forward should be close.
One more small detail, if you can make what looks like a foot at the base of the D look more like an athletic shoe, you are a true genius.
Not sure if I like the solid orange circle or the partial. the partial brings in the stopwatch effect with those arms. You probably intended that.
I am interested in seeing the letter from stacked on top of the words, just for fun. But cock that helmet back and "sneakerize' that foot and we are almost done here. I will look into ending this early if we can get some consensus of approval from my colleagues.
So I am staring and staring at #145 and trying to make it perfect. In addtion to the things I just wrote let's consider this...How much bigger can we make the circle with the L in it without jmessing up the overall balance you have created. Making that circle bigger does two things. 1. It makes the L a little close in size to the D, which I think would be aesthetically pleasing. 2. It also makes the L more closely look like the hands of a stopwatch, as now the stopwatch is a better size for the hands. So maybe make the circle bigger by enough so that the L is the same size as the D, AND/OR make the circle big enough so that the stopwatch effect gains more proper proportion.
Sorry, from the beginning was my opposite in turning the helmet head. Ok now I have made the update by turning the helmet head 5 degrees counter-clockwise from head 134. #157 update of #145 === #158 update of 150 === #159 update of #151.
Ok on both #158 and #159 (like them both) take the helmet tilt even a little further. Rotate the helmet back wards on the head a very small amount and then lower then etire head/helmet combo straight down until the riders chin is just hitting the top of the circle. There should still be some daylight between the top of the circle and the back bottom of the helmet. Not much but a little.
Oh I hadn't seen those. Anyway, 160 is it for me.Awesome. I am sure you are tired of moving that helmeted head but it really needs to come straight down. I think it needs to break into the circle to get the proportion more natural. Alternatively, you could move it straight down but not let it break the circle by eliminating the bottom of the face. As long as you keep the nose and above, it is obvious what it is I think.
Looking back at #158, I almost like the curved bottom contour of the helmet better. On that one it just needs t slide to the right and down such that the bottom contour of the helmet matches the contour of the circle below it.
I hope I am being clear. Look at this picture to get an idea of how an aero helmet should almost perfectly match the shape and contour of the back below it. I want that circle to be the back. Just a tiny sliver of space between helmet and circle/back.
Did I mention it is my job to obsess over how people look on their bikes? You are doing awesome. Best follow up of anyone, so bear with me for a few final tweaks.
Ok, #167 is your best yet. The aero position only needs a little change. That whole element with the circle, the L and the aero helmet is so good, we could almost eliminate the goggles from the far end and the foot in the base of the D. That perfectly positioned bike rider is such a great summary of what I offer. Precision.
So let's make it even more precise.
(I can see paying you for some of these revisions, as this is getting kinda intricate I think. You let me know what is appropriate)
Anyway, to make that position perfect, you need to turn the face towards the ground, while leaving the helmet contoured to the back. So the helmet will be canted back from the face, but it won't really move in space. Really great positions have the rider looking out of the tops of their eyes, while having a very nice transition from helmet to back. Again, like this
#178 is awesome. Let's move it into the top 5 with 2 things.
1. Stack it up, with the DL centered on top of the MULTISPORT - TECHNICALLY THE BEST 2. I want to see the "foot" in the back line of the D look more like an athletic sneaker and not just a vague geometric foot. Maybe we can get in a more exciting "toeing off" posture, as seen here:
#259 is the best yet. I want you to extend the foot all the way down and make it part of the base of the D. And play with the colors. Biggest complaint is that there is not enough POP in your colors. I like them.
#259 is the best yet. I want you to extend the foot all the way down and make it part of the base of the D. And play with the colors. Biggest complaint is that there is not enough POP in your colors. I like them.
#283, #284, #285 update of #259. I have been attempting some color variation. If I provide the color options that you think is not good. Did you have a color that you like? if there is please let me know.
So you have pretty much got this and sorry for the delay. I wanted to see a couple little changes before I declare you the winner.
1. Can you make the heel of the foot come all the way to the ground? So forget about the toeing off thing. I want the D to look a little more like a D AND the "leg" to look a little more like a leg. I think if we bring the heel down, this makes the D look more like a D and also give us some room to just put some subtle leg like textures on the back part of the D. Maybe some faint musculature?
2. can you make TECHNICALLY THE BEST a little more silver or a tiny bit larger?
3. Last thing I swear. The colors. I liked when you put a little splash in the helmet. I think this needs a little more color somewhere. The helmet and running shoe are my choices for just a little of that orange highlight. However, I would like to see that orange highlight with just a little more fade to red.
Ok so #302 is the best. I like showing a little more leg. Do two little things and you are all done. Move the stripe of color from the top of the helmet to the side like #294, and lift the heel up a tiny bit. Nowhere near what it was before, just barely off the ground.
And you won. 100%. I can certainly declare you the winner if you want to celebrate, but I don't want to limit your ability to submit final revisions. Not sure how that works?
Anyway, after you make those 2 changes. I am going to put you in contact with a person named Jon Cencich who does my web work. He will get the file types we need. I was hoping to also have a version of the logo with the blue and white reversed, like #291?
I appreciate all of the time you put into this. It was strange to be the judge, but also cheering for you, as you easily did the most work. Glad you won. .