Ok, #167 is your best yet. The aero position only needs a little change. That whole element with the circle, the L and the aero helmet is so good, we could almost eliminate the goggles from the far end and the foot in the base of the D. That perfectly positioned bike rider is such a great summary of what I offer. Precision.
So let's make it even more precise.
(I can see paying you for some of these revisions, as this is getting kinda intricate I think. You let me know what is appropriate)
Anyway, to make that position perfect, you need to turn the face towards the ground, while leaving the helmet contoured to the back. So the helmet will be canted back from the face, but it won't really move in space. Really great positions have the rider looking out of the tops of their eyes, while having a very nice transition from helmet to back. Again, like this