Designing DreamsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Designing Dreams

Designing Dreams has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 151 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


With Reference to #1:

I am loving is...except it can do with some sparkle!n The font below is very simple, to the point...

I actually like the colours also, although I preferred to see the colours listed in the brief...

Is it possible to leave this one as is an submit a variation with some sparkle in it and possibly playing with font options...

Again I am drawn to the double D's, as I can use this independently, it shows some symbolic element in that it can be recognizable by itself without the need for the words....not too sure what the term for that is...but I am referring to its use for brand recognition etc...

On thing though I was wondering about the gradient colours and its use in logos...Are there any cons on using gradient colours?...I am wondering how it would look wo gradient colours?

With Reference to #2:

Not really digging it, it reminds me of the fonts used for a couple cartoon movies...that has some kind of villian....some variation of this would be preferred, lets see what you can do with this one!!!

Thanks co much
14 years ago
Sorry...My reference numbers are incorrect and should be corrected as follows:

With Reference to #1 should read With Reference to #9

With Reference to #2 should read With Reference to #10
14 years ago
Logo Designer
the following are some variations.

The gradient gives the logo depth- but depending on what you are planning to print it on, we can explore other color options to get the same rich effect. Usually, if you are just going to print your logo on business cards and letterheads (and other paper products) a slight gradient would do just fine. If you are planning to print it also on tshirts, let me know, we can do black and white versions with and without the gradient. :) i'd be more than happy to work with you to develop your logo! thanks!

(This comment references Entry #24)
14 years ago
I am liking this concept alot...with reference to # 24...I like the alteration with the shadow effect in the back ground and would like to play with that...thanks much for your effort.

You suggestion with working on the gradients and the black and white options is appreciated as it is something I definitely want to discuss and explore with you.

Much appreciated
14 years ago
Logo Designer
just a few more ideas

(This comment references Entry #31)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#33 is an example of the black and white/ grayscale version of #34
let me know if you have other color ideas :)

(This comment references Entry #33)
14 years ago
Thanks much,
With reference to #27... i am not too digging the slant seems as my dreams are toppling over, lol Just a bit of humour

With reference to #31-34 Can you explain the use of the symbol to the center of the Ds

With reference to #31-31 I am not liking to much the orientation of the Ds and the tail like artsy effect, seems like they are following each other somewhere...

With reference to 26 and 24 of which I am most interested in, I have a few comments...
With reference to #24 like the script style Double Ds...and was thinking on first sight of it, that including a reference our parent company Brown Co. Engineering Ltd would be neat in lieu of using the script Double Ds, What do you think?...Can you work with that in and incorporate it in here, in such a way that the logo can be used with or without it..and also vice versa meaning using the reference to the parent company wo the "Designing Dreams" part of the logo!!

I would like to see these in the black and white/ grayscale versions also...the ones you provided, reference # 33 are appreciated...

Thanks again for your lovely work
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with #31- the fleur de leis in the middles is a modern reference to it's older meaning of "the continuing presence of heraldry in everyday life".

I'd be more than happy to develop #24 and #26 with you.
Is the Brown Co. Enginnering Ltd the company at this link: ?
We could definitely do a dual combination for your logo with Brown- as a partnership kind of deal. Let me know about the web address, and I will pull some colors from their palette as well.
14 years ago
We pulled our web page as we want to have that developed also...wish there was a platform similar to this for that...this concept logo tournament is very neat...

We are a local company very similar to that link: in the same line of work with electrical and computer engineering services also...we do have a logo that I did actually a couple years ago...its very unprofessional as me an engineer wo any talent creativity did it...i wish I could upload here for viewing but I dont think that is possible...

So I was thinking to use the words 'Brown Co. Engineering Ltd' in the same manner as you did with the light Double that was what popped in my mind as soon as I saw that variation...

14 years ago
Can I see #26 and #24 in white with a dark background...possibly black...and in the same purplish colour in the dark background?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here are some of the variations we discussed. if you have any feedback- dont be shy!
14 years ago
Thanks much for including the more variation request can the "Brown Co. Engineering Ltd" be changed to just "Brown Co." for both Entry #91 and #92

Also for Entry #92 can you use the gradients for the Double Ds as used in Entry #26

I am not sure if you played with placing the "Brown Co." behind the Double Ds instead of the script Double Ds, just as you have the script Double Ds

What about using a different colour than the light can suggest another....

Can I also see # 89 on a white background with the "Brown Co." included.... I am also liking that variation...

What about using Capital letters for Brown and Co...instead of the common letters?
Or another suggestion would be to place the Brown Co. under the Double Ds in the same script text, just about the words Designing Dreams....

I am very appreciative of all your effort and the care and detail us display in including all as interested in seeing...

14 years ago
Logo Designer
#126, #125, #124, #123, #121 - are the variations using Brown Co. as the background, instead of the double d's.

#120, #119 - are variations of the Brown Engineering Co changed to just Brown Engineering

#118, #117, #116 - are variations with Brown Co. in print below Designing Dreams. I like this look, it's simple and classy, Brown Co, may be a tad hard to read, but if you like this version, we can change colors too! :)

I think my favorites so far at #117 and #120

let me know what you think!
14 years ago
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