Thank you for submitting your designs. Of the three designs I think #18 is the strongest. It's unique from other entries I've received and I like the font used in 'yoga." I think this would look good on a Tshirt. One thing is that it lack an active outdoors element to it. Perhaps a standing yoga pose instead of seated pose could achieve this. It also lacks DC symbolism (this could come in the form of the elements of the DC flag, silhouette a monument(s), other symbols).
The fonts in #19 and #20 are heavier than I would like. Perhaps too masculine. Prefer the O without the capitol/Buddha crown.
I like the green. Other strong colors are stone grey, blue.
Thank you for the ranking. My wife is a yogi, and I know when we go away, she goes on hikes. I remember that they offer different levels. Hence my concept of the different levels. Hope it works for you. If there are any changes you would like to see, please do not hesitate to ask. Eric
Thank you very much for your added designs. I really like #60, though the word yoga is a bit too dominant. The word "Hikes" should also be as prominent and visible as these are "Yoga Hikes" More green at the base, as in 89, and perhaps with the sun, would be nice to see as well so that there is more of a nature element. Thank you again.