I've aimed to encapsulate the sense of all the brands your sell and give the icon your own look, something unique that has a hint of history about it, yet looks modern and timeless, like the top automobile brands are.
How this logo can work in one color, for invoice pads, fax etc. Or if you prefer the clean look this could be how it looks at all times, maybe with a hint of color.
#112 Would like to see two designs based on the following: 1. We'd like to see the top of the "G" to be similar to the top of "D" in DAG. And the rest left as is.
2. Again, we'd like to see the top of the "G" to be similar to the top of "D" in DAG but we'd also like to see how "The Essence of Luxury" looks above DAG and without the lines.
Thanks for your quick response. Looks great! Have to pass it by a few people, so no problem (regarding 8 hour delay). In fact I 'm leaving soon and won't be available until tomorrow morning. (I'm in eastern standard time).
#127 & #128 Could you increase the font size a point (or two) on the lines of text? Just to see... I'm leaning toward #127 but there is interest (by the owner) in #128 and the tagline on top....Can't say I share his opinion, but ultimately the choice is his.
#166 Like this one. TWO things: Could you move the hairline above Davis Automotive Group in one design In another could you keep it as is but delete the hairline altogether.
In both cases could you increase the pt size of THe Essence of Luxury...fear is that its won't reproduce well THANKS!
P.S. I like the use of the emblem/badge (whatever it's called #181) but unfortunately I was overruled.
Hi there, I think we're good. It's just a matter of the owner returning and making the final decision. Can definitely tell you that it's one of your designs. Just a matter of which one! Thanks for everything!