Dear Wolv -- I'm so glad that the contest got extended, because I would have missed your entry. These marks are unexpectedly good -- they are abstract-ish, representational, evoke a sense of T'ai Chi, and I can see them in my mind's eye reproduced in a variety of media. I think these marks would be durable, as well. I originally wanted to sit with the red, white and blue design, but in the end we decided that the colors were too cheesy. I would love to see Entry #58 reversed and inside a color circle a la #60. Otherwise, #58 is my favorite. To answer your question, I think you stand a very good chance of winning. If you can make the change to the # 58 design, I will look forward to seeing it!
thank you for the feedback. will update the design as requested. you're one of great contest holder, i feel comfortable making design entry for you. when i submitted and see no feedback, i'm a little bit upset,.. but hey maybe just need some time, i know that... but the time is very limited. but here you come with the feedback on my design and how you want it to be, i really appreciate it. thank you
Dear Wolv, Well, I really appreciate your candor and your comments -- and most of all, your willingness to indulge me as I try to work through the design selection process. It's not all that easy, I discover, when you're trying to pick a design that will represent you to the world. Sometimes, it comes down to just a gut reaction, and one cannot find the words or the logic to explain why one feels as they do about a particular design.
But we really like your designs. They are simple, yet memorable and seem to evoke just the right recognition of T'ai Chi's character. After looking at the changes you made to the most recent entries, we went back to Entry #60, and decided we still liked that one the best. It moved you into first position.
I do have one question. Two of the things I really like about the design that is now in 2nd position are the colors (red, black and a wash of gold), and the sense of depth. It's almost 3-D for me. Your logo is very 2-D, and (obviously) all blue in color. I'm wondering what it would do to the logo if you were able to bring in that color scheme, and to give it some depth or shadowing. Is that possible?
In any case, thank you for your work so far. I look forward to seeing how this all turns out.
thank you very much! i know that's not easy. working with lot's of designers and receive so many design ideas can sometimes be more difficult.
and ofcourse, very possible. this is just the basic, by giving you the basic you will know that this logo is not a problem in various media. i can adapt the logo to various need, including adding some depth to it. making it a little bit 3D.
Dear Chahya, Well, you did it! These last variations are just exactly what we wanted. In our minds, the contest is over -- we are very happy with your design. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen next - this is the first time I've used this service. I'll be contacting Tyler to see what's the next step to securing this artwork.
Again - congratulations. You are a VERY talented designer, and we are delighted with our new logo! We are planning to have another contest in the not-too-distant future for another project we are working on. I really hope you are around to submit entries to it.