DatoreLavoro.itLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / DatoreLavoro.it
DatoreLavoro.it has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 334 designs
from 31 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
DatoreLavoro.it publishes articles on occupational health. Our short articles analyze the processes behind work-related injuries and occupational diseases from the perspective of the occupational physician.
Our audience are the people who own small and medium-sized companies who need to implement Law 81/2008 in their own company in Italy, as small companies often suffer the legislative complexity of this issue.
Our mission:
Raise awareness on health and safety at work inspired by the principles of intellectual and professional independence, respect for professional ethics and corporate sustainability.
Our audience are the people who own small and medium-sized companies who need to implement Law 81/2008 in their own company in Italy, as small companies often suffer the legislative complexity of this issue.
Our mission:
Raise awareness on health and safety at work inspired by the principles of intellectual and professional independence, respect for professional ethics and corporate sustainability.
Color Preferences
1) grey
2) blue
2) blue
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Added an image to convey an idea to improve a logo.