#148 and #149 Thank you for your entries. These both have good color combinations, and I like the book designs in each of them. The font is not what we are looking for, and we don't want a tag line included. If you have the time, please consider submitting new desings with a more modern and Sans-serif font, without a tagline. Thank you.
#181 and #182 Thank you for incorporating our feedback. If you are willing and have the time to submit a couple of more designs, please consider the following adjustments. I like the font in #182- please keep it and place the icon next to it instead of above it. For #181, please keep the design but change to the same font you utilized for #182.
#183 I like the styling of the book, but the words Data Cookbook are too small. I don't care for the letters CB above- they almost infer that they should be recognized as the company name, and that is not the case here. I do, however, like that you tried something completely different from your other designs.