Crumb (A Micro Bakery)Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Crumb (A Micro Bakery)

Crumb (A Micro Bakery) has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 272 designs from 38 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
I sell artisan baked goods, namely sourdough loaves and sandwich bread. I also sell cinnamon rolls and croissants. anything with bread really. Croissants are my most popular item! I would like the main part of the name to just be “Crumb” with “a micro bakery” underneath it in small caps.
Color Preferences
I love neutral colors and very subtle pops of color. Creams, beiges and browns are where I tend to fall. Sometimes black, but maybe just for outlining in this case.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I am a blank slate. I think I would like a loaf of bread drawn into the logo somewhere though so people know what “CRUMB” is about.
Style Inspiration


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