I really like what you did with your logos. They were very unexpected but very eyecatching. I think that #19 is my favorite of the two. I think it is clean but still integrates the bright colors. I would play with it a little more to refine and fine tune. I think that it has a nice energy though. I am not sure how I feel about the line through crowdsourcing, it may make all the difference though.
Thanks for your comment, i really appreciate... Okey i will keep in my mind, to change the logo with or without line in crowdsourcing... (must brain storming first, hehe) to have a high quality logo...
Really like these designs. Can you combine the mark from #60 into the O from #19?
Can you also try to make the mark 3 dimensional? Not by adding a shadow or gradient, but by making the different colored bars appear to form a "ball" or overlap at least?
thanks for your next comment... it would be nice share.... this what i have done, make more masculine and 3D look from the overlap... i hope you like it, and love to see another comment
I really like the logo for #83 and #82. I wonder if it is possible to texturize it? Would that make it more 3D looking? I am just throwing ideas out. I like the contract of grey on the darker shades.
We have decided that we would like to work with you. You have showed us great design concepts and have been very helpful in working with us. We like the layout and format of #78 but we definitely want to work on the font and color. I would love to stay in connection with you to receive the revised version.
And we would like to stick with 3 colors. We don't want to be confused with competitors who often use multiple colors (4-6). Hope this won't be too much of an issue!
And we would like to stick with 3 colors. We don't want to be confused with competitors who often use multiple colors (4-6). Hope this won't be too much of an issue!
thanks, i really glade to hear that, and i will finish my responsibilities to give you a high quality logo oke, i will change to 3 color variation, do you have a notes what color do you want?...
We like the orange and grey. And we definitely like the dark shades. I also don't think we want the line through crowdsourcing. I think the logo in the word is enough. Maybe make the line under crowdsourcing and the word month a tiny bit larger or bold. I am working with my boss to further decide on colors. You will definitely know my Monday. However, orange and grey seem to be our top favorite. I personally like the blue as well.
I would first like to start with the logo, I don't want to overwhelm you with everything at once (that is what I feel like I am doing). I think the graphic should be orange, grey and either the teal or deep blue. I definitely think we should keep it darker shades, seems to have more of a wealth too it.
Thank you for adjusting that, unfortunately that may not work. I think we need to go back to #78 and stick to 3 colors. We want to keep the line now, I think it adds more depth. We wanted to try removing the person inside the graphic again. Keep the color the same just adjust the graphic to a solid color and no person.
Can you leave the font that semi-dark to dark blue and black and then the bottom for "month" and line can be the dark mustard almost orange color. When the yellow and black are together it looks like a bee. Also make the graphic that same dark mustard/orange color. Also, keep the graphic textured please.
We want to keep the blue like in #90 if possible. Also, can you try making the graphic just with a yellowish-mustard color. We want to keep it at 3 colors.
The yellow is still too faint, it needs to be the the darkest shade of yellow almost orange that was used in #135. Also, instead of solid black it should probably go back to grey-black where you had it go lightest to darkest.
I would like to make this more simplistic, so I think we should start by working only on the word "crowdsourcing" for now. We can worry about the word "month" later after we find a color/style scheme that we like.
We like the format of #78 and would like to keep that same look with the line running through.
In terms of color, I think it is best to explore the richest/deepest/darkest/boldest shades of orange and blue (that still look great) to use for the word crowdsourcing. We would like the orange color to be the top of "crowd" and bottom of "sourcing" and the blue for the bottom of "crowd" and top of "sourcing".
For the graphic, we would like to put the man back inside for depth. Use the graphic from entry #131, but change the colors so the surrounding pieces of the sphere should be the orange color. To avoid having the graphic blend into the word 'crowd', the pieces need to use the darkest shade of orange from the word 'Crowd.'
We would like to stay as far away from primary colors as possible. We want as much richness/dark shading as possible from the colors. Hopefully this is more of a help
Please create a couple different versions, with each version having different shades, so we can compare. Please use your designer skill to pick colors that look great together.
Thank you for your latest submissions. Try exploring the shades, we want to give you creative freedom to explore your options. The colors remind me of high school team color because they are so primary. Play with the blue or the orange and see what that does, don't be afraid to get into the reds or deep blues. I like the orange graphic in the middle!
We loved the colors in the logo of #145 we only need two changes. We would like to have the man inside the graphic be grey again instead of a solid orange. So grey like he was in #131. Then we would like to make 'month' the same font size and style as #131 but using the darkest shade of grey/black that was used on #145 for the top of the G. We want Month to have a very gradual change from light to dark, nothing too severe.
#155 looks great. We will pick this as a winner, we'd like to get these files. .eps file (vector) .png file on transparent background (width of 1024) .jpg file on white background (width of 1024) Your .psd file with every layer still in it (including alternate colors, sketches, larger symbol graphic, etc...).
We also want the best quality we can of the graphic sent as a seperate piece as well. We would like any raw files you used for the future.