#35 I don't like because it looks like the lighthouse is floating in air.
For #36, could you possibly shorten the whole image so that it is not as imposing over the name of the company. So that there is more of a balance between the image and the name. I am not saying that I want the name and the image to be of equal heights, but right now it seems that the name is taking a back seat to the above image.
First of all, thanks for all the guidelines on this design so far. For the start, the size of the image has been changed, but I didn't want it to be too small, so it is as it is for now. Changes are still optional. Second, I have added a border around the image. I think it just makes it look a little more professional #44. Then came a slightly bigger change. I got the idea how to make this light glowing effect from a lighthouse more stylized (for a couple of reasons) as you can see on entry #45 (which I made also in gray scale variant, so you can have some insights on how this option could be easily incorporated almost everywhere without any of the details gone missing).
In regards to #56 #57 and #55, I am looking for a logo that is more then just the name of the company. I definitely want some sort of design element in the logo.