Please review the company information and logo brief, as it has all been revised. Sorry for any inconvenience, but the new information should give you much more focused direction. Thanks
Hi, I really like #20 so far. Can you try the following: 1) I know we asked for baby colors originally, but the light pastel look is too soft. Can you try deeper darker colors like a dark blue almost navy. The magenta looks too feminin, so please try a few other color variations. you can look into greens, oranges, using a dark and a medium blue together or even a violet (as long as it doesn't get too feminin) 2) please change the tag line to: "every baby is a Creative Baby" 3) in the baby face can you experiment with the hair curl? Maybe make it a little thinner and maybe add more curl to it.
Mic: I like the revisions and think the hair looks best on #74. I want to sit with these colors for a while before I comment. We are definately headed in the right direction. Thanks,
OK we are nearing the end and I want to let you know that we will narrow the field down to around 5 concepts, remove all the non-contenders and then extend the contest so we can explore color variations for a few days.
We really like #74 and #139 so far and these will definately be in the finals.
for #74, can you try a few color, such as replacing the purple with spring green? you may have some other idesa on this.
For #139 can you try brightening it up by changing the purple bubles to orange. If you have any other color change options, please try. Thanks,
Mic, in regards to concept #139 , one of the comments is that it looks like the baby's head is cut open in half with brains gushing out. Do you have any idea to modify it so it does not give that feeling?
#246 and #247 seem as if it is behind the baby. I like #245 best, but think the confety is too much. Can you do a version with just the bubles? Also maybe try things shooting up and out insterad of spilling over. Thanks,
#251 With just the bubbles #252 The bubbles waves going straight up. #253 No curves on the waves, #254 Removed the confetti but kept a couple of stars.
I like #284 both for the gears and the fact thatr you put the head off to theb side and made it less dominant.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out the document i added to the brief area with competative logos. You can see how much others stand out and how important it is to be simple and refined. There are a few things we can consider to be more dominant on the page: Using bolder type, Puting some type of border around the logo (like a box, oval or some form of background). I'll try to make more comments later.
Ok, sorry to contact you so late, as I was traveling today. I know there are only 11 hours to go and it is now your evening, but we love #315 and hope you can show a few more opptions to help bring it home a winner. As you can see in the ranking you are #1 and there are only 4 logos listed now, so we are very close. Here are a few details we'd like revised: 1) The small gear on top should bump up just a little bit 2) The word Baby, should be in the same typeface as Creative and be a little less bold 3) The outline is great, but please try a few more options. To start, try this one with all 4 corners using the same radius (the lower right is a larger radius and should be reduced. Also the left wall is kinda close to the face and should move out a bit. You can try more formal shapes like an oval or a rectangle, but keep the rounded corners. ultimately I think this odd shape is more playfull, but I just want to see. 4) Try a few multi color versions. a few with no more than 3 colors, but then you can do 1 or 2 with the multi colors used in logos like #310.
Here #383. The radius was the same on all four corners but It gives the illusion they are different because of the odd shape, so I went i reduce the radius on the lower right corner. I moved the top gear a bit to the top & the word has the same type face and a little bit less bold.
For the border, here's few different variations for the shape. #384, #385, #386
Here's several variations for the colors. #387, #388, #389, #390, #391, #392, #393, #394
We cannot go and do the exact font as #336 but here's few options that are similar #395, #396
Mic: Thanks for the update, but I think you missunderstood my comments on the typeface. I like the typeface and line weight used in #315 for the word Creative and want the word Baby to be the same typeface, but not quite as bold. I do like it bolder than the word creative, but just felt it's a bit too bold right now.
As noted by th 31 ranking we like the oval outline. Once the typeface has been revised and shown with the oval outline, can you do 1 more version with a solid oval and reversed out details, then a 3rd version with a solid background and colored elements. All 3 versions need to have the corrected typeface.
Then please repeat all 3 versions with the word Baby center justified instead of the current left justified.
Sorry to be away so long. Here's the deal. We like the typeface size shape and position used in #433. This is where you reduced the thickness of Baby and centered it under Creative. We also like the Gear head baby. So let's consider thjose details confirmed. Now we have 2 things to work out: 1) the outline shape and 2) the colors.
1st let's deal with the shape then once resolved we can finalize colors. Assume with all options we will do 1 version like #432 that is an outline and another like #433 that is solid. We won't worry about an entire solid field like #431, 434, 436 and 437. Several people like the oval best, but I'm worried too many people use ovals and it will look common place. I liked the angled box, but felt we lost a little something in the last round (when the side walls got too vertical). I'm going to e-mail you a comparison document we used to review internally to show you the ovals I'm talking about and then also a document in which I tried a couple of new shapes. Please try these and think of a few others that have a fun, but simple feel to them. Look at them both as an outline and a solid.
I'm back. I'm trying to finalize with the team, but don't want to lose time, so here are some comments on both shape and color:
My favorite was #476, which is the dramatic angled box, but I now think it may look a bit too much like Baby Einstein (you can see in the competative document). I now really like: #481 which is not as dramatic. I also think the square version #385 isn't bad. Until we confirm, let's use #385 as the version to do color studies on.
Here are a few thoughts on what we should look into on color: 1) We should stick to 2-3 colors max 2) For now we should stay away from Orange, Red, Yellow, Black, Navy, Light Blue 3) We should try: Purple (more plum or dusky), Green (Hazy lime or like the one used in Boon logo), Aqua (or Teal), Burgundy (or Maroon), Golden Rod, Darker Blue 4) The outline version can have both words in 1 color and possibly the border, then the face and gears in a second color. If we want to do a 3rd color we can do the face in 1 color and the gears in another (I thought the gears would look cool in goldenrod). We can possibly change the border color. 5) The solid background version can have the letters in white and face and gears in 1 or 2 colors. 6) You should also try the various colors listed above as 1 color solid background logos as you did with the orange.
I'll keep going back to the sight all weekend to see what you can get to and to offer any comments I can.
Some really great color options in here. I really like your color versions used in #503-508. Very on-trend. I have 3 favorites so far: 1) #515 (for a light color solid background) 2) #514 (for a dark color solid background) 3) #509 (for an outline)
Can you please redo these 3 versions using the final typeface from: #497.
I'll do me best to get a final call on the colors as well as the outline shape within the next 24 hours.
#518, 519, 520 all look great. I am hoping to have the color and shape conversation today and hoping to finalize all details. Can you please make 3 more version of these 3 logos and only change the outer shape to match #481?
I had a good talk with Bruce and we are very close to completion. We like #522 the best based on overall shape and color. Now we have a few details we need to resolve: 1) While keeping the same overall shape, stretch the outline to be a little wider so the amount of space to the left of the baby face is the same amount of space as to the right of the "e" in Creative. Do not change the angle of the left wall, as I like it as is. 2) Nudge the word "Baby" to the left so that the amount of space on each side is the same 3) Once 1 & 2 are done we want to do 1 more color version: Replace the green background with the orange from #314 4) Lastly we want to experiment with the line weight a bit: ---A) Version #1: Reduce the thickness of 'Baby' so it is just a bit bolder than "Creative' ---B) Version #2: Make the word "Baby" the same thickness as "Creative" ---C) Version #3: Make "Baby" the same thickness as the current "Creative" and make "Creative" slightly bolder (the reverse of version #1) 5) Once we confirm the best line weight we will do 1 orange version and 1 green version. Of these 2 one of them should be the winner.
Just out of curiosity, which version is your favorite?
#524 - Stretched the outline so it has the same amount of space on the left of the baby face and right of the "e" and nudge "Baby" to the left.
#528 - Version with the orange background.
-A) #525 - Reduced the thickness of 'Baby' so it is just a bit bolder than "Creative" -B) #526 - Made the word "Baby" the same thickness as "Creative" -C) #527 - Made "Baby" the same thickness as the current "Creative" and made "Creative" slightly bolder.
My overall favorite would be #524. I like the fun rectangle shape, the contrast of font between "Creative" & "Baby". and i like the colors. i also like #528 but the purple does not stand as much on orange.
Thanks this is looking really good. I actually prefer the slightly less dramatic typeface difference of #525. I agree with your comments about the orange and purple, but feel the orange makes a more dramatic statement when stacked against the competition. Can you do 1 version of #525 with an orange background and then one version using the colors from #518? Thanks,
the system was locking up earlier, so I'm glad to see my comments made the post.
One last request, can you do a version with the "C" in creative as a gear with a slot on the right to make it look like a "C". the gear should be white. Thanks,
We are in the middle of a heated (and healthy) debate over green and orange. hope to resolve soon.
In the mean time, please see the enclosed document. There was a suggestion to make the logo look 3-D by adding a highlight and shadow as on the Disney logo. We like the highlight coming from the top left and the shadow on the lower right as this one is. You can see that a few other logos are doing this also. Can you please add this 3-D quality to the outer shape and show as both the green and orange versions? Thanks,
Wow you are making this very tough on us. We love the 3-D look,but here is our dilemma: We think the green looks best, but the words pop more off the orange. Are there any subtle things we can do to get the words to pop more on the green? I don't want to disrupt the overall feel with a drastic change, but maybe the shadow on the letters can be a little darker (maybe even the purple if you think it looks good, but don't force it). Another thought is to make the word Creative slightly thicker, but I also don't want to lose the uniqueness of this look. Take a look and see what you think.
In addition here are a couple of fine tuning items: 1) Can you fine tune the transition between light and shadow around the border of the main box? They kind of criss cross, but in reality this edge should be a constant thickness and then just change over from light to dark in that area. Much like the Disney logo. 2) Can you nudge the word Baby a bit more to the left? I still think there is too much open space between the face and the B.
Unfortunately when you revised the transition we lost most of the shadow around the box. Can you go in and darken this area back up? I should look like the shadow around #533.
I also like the darker shadow instead of the purple shadow. Can you redo #538 with the darker shadow from #537 and the revised shadow around the box? Then redo #537 with the revised box shadow. No need to redo the orange
Thanks. I promise we are really on the home stretch.