#14 - went with tophat to symbolize the costume part of the design, and confetti to show there is some fun involved in the company. I can add more details if you like, and comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
#14 - Yes--- there is something I like about the simplicity of a tophat on a spring, exploding out of a box wit the confetti... Simple and could be good if the overall design were just hipper and more artistic somehow... Check out the reasonings here http://top10costumes.com/costumenetwork.html and lets try putting the box behind the "me" and note some of the artistry on that logo to make the box look better? nice!
#16--- just realizing that #16 does have a slighty better layout that better addresses my point so I am now changing the rankings and copying and pasting the notes from #14 here--- #14 - Yes--- there is something I like about the simplicity of a tophat on a spring, exploding out of a box wit the confetti... Simple and could be good if the overall design were just hipper and more artistic somehow... Check out the reasonings here http://top10costumes.com/costumenetwork.html and lets try putting the box behind the "me" and note some of the artistry on that logo to make the box look better? nice!