A "conversion" is a digital marketing term for when you convert a website visitor into a lead. That is the ultimate goal of my Pay-Per-Click business, to help other businesses capture leads through their online marketing.
Marketers use certain psychological techniques to persuade visitors to buy/sign up/etc...
So... The Conversion Bureau is supposed to be kind of like a secret government agency that may or may not use mind control technology to get people to comply. (We may also be affiliated with aliens). Our marketing techniques are so advanced, its like we have the ability to control customers' minds.
Since we do behind-the-scenes white label marketing for other agencies, that's also where the element of secrecy comes in.
We're like Men In Black - a fun, PG rated, Will Smith secret agency. Not a scary one.
This is a pretty close representation of what I might envision our logo being like:
or maybe like an official badge like the marvel shield logo
or something with a NASA vibe...
It DOES NOT necessarily have to include a flying saucer, even though that is a very appropriate symbol. I'm open to other suggestions. A flying saucer targets victims with advanced technology (like we target our ads), then they suck them in with an inescapable tractor beam (like we do with our amazing marketing), then they make their captives obey with mind control.