#69 - I really like this for a few reasons: The background is exactly what I envisioned using on business cards and for the logo in the banner area of the next design of our website. I also really like the thickness of the font and the special, but yet not wild treatment of some of the letters (such as the A) in the word Contextual.
I like that you tried a twist on the letter E, rather than emphasizing the X, as most others are doing - some of those designs are working pretty well too, but the E was a unique twist.
I like the thickness of the font too. I like variations #68 and #70 quite a bit too.
Weakness: I'm wondering if there is a way to incorporate some (perhaps subtle) graphical effect (shadow?, reflection?, icon object, such as in #52), so that it's not too busy and overkill, but yet isn't as simple as letters and two bars (above/below the E.)
It's possible that just the addition of the tagline/slogan of "Empowering Content" below the logo will be enough to add a little more personality. Please try that.