Complexity ManagementLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Complexity Management

Complexity Management has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 216 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.
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thanks for your drafts. Both look quite good.

Could you try to make the icons of your two submissions look "volumious" (as in make them appear as if they are 3-dimensional?) This would make the icon look a bit more "eyecatching".

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago

I just had another idea regarding your submission #6 which might look really cool:

Our main business is to "decomplexitize" the operations of our customers, which means that if one of our customers, say a chemical company, has 100 products with only 80 products being profitable, we stop all the other 20 non-profitable products. By doing so, we improve the overall business performance as the 20 stopped products don't produce unneccesary costs anymore. So, in other words, we excavate the precious profitable products from all the other stuff that just causes costs and complexity.

Therefore, what could look quite cool on #6 and explain our business would be the following:
Keep the sub-square-character of the big block as is. Place the red square one square to the left. Then divide the grey block into two parts with the parting line going from bottom left to top right (leaving the square divided into two "triangles"). Then move the two triangles just a few mm away from each other to the top and the bottom so that one could still recognize them as a whole as a big block. The By doing so the red (profitable) square will be "laid open". This red square will represent a good / profitable product and demonstrates how we find the "good" products in a mess of unprofitable products by excavating them.

I hope you can understand what I mean. If not, just let me know. I'm in front of the PC the whole day.

Best regards,

14 years ago
Dear RML,

the more I look at #6 the more I see the potential in that idea. Maybe you can (in addition to my thoughts in the comment above) create another version of it which is
- identical to the current one
- but makes the big box look a bit more "sexy". This could by done either by making the icon in 3d (one possible version) or by giving the grey boxes maybe a brighter colour and add a darker margin around the grey boxes (another possible version).

As said, the concept is great but the icon (big box) doesn't look that attractive yet.

Hope this helps.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Dear RML,

thanks for your drafts. Especially #24 looks great!

Some remarks:

@ #24: Looks great. We'll leave this one for now.

@ #23: Looks good, but I don't quite like the bold font. I'll take this one out. Hope you're not offended. ;)

@ #22: Same as above, the font is a bit too bold. I'll take this one out and leave #6 as a representative of that idea.

@ #20: Same as above, the font is a bit too bold. I'll take #7 as the representative of that idea.

@ #21: I think that's the idea with the greatest potential. However, it's not quite what I described yesterday. ;) Sorry if I haven't made myself clear. ;) I made you a draft which you could download as a .pdf under . Have a look and come back to me if you have any questions regarding that.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Dear RML,

thanks for #65. It looks great. :)

#66 and #67 look cool too, but I still prefer your other versions of the cube-motive.

Best regards,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I thought the #66 & #67 represented a CM w/ the icon. Let me know if there are any other revisions you think would help improve any of the logos.
14 years ago
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