@ #121: Cool idea. It's the "value chain" according to Porter, right? ;)
I really like the idea, but maybe you can try to make it a bit more abstract so that it's easier to recognize the "value chain" idea (as most people won't recognize it anyway, don't you think?). Maybe just try to develop a logo based on stylistic value-chain symbols?
Hi Yeah its "porters value chain" I remember all those things from "information systems" a subject from my MSc-IT :) will do the design more abstract way Thanks again for your guidance.
I'll be away over the weekend and the contest ends early on monday morning. It'd be highly appreciated if you could send a draft maybe by friday around noon?
Ideas to guide you: - Maybe use "symbolic" value chain symbols instead of the whole porter-graph - Our projects are normally cross functional, which means that we optimize the complexity across the entire value chain. We look at the entire value chain but also at the single elements of it. - I really like the design of #121, so maybe you can keep that design (colors, alignment of the icon etc) for your new version.
Hi Stefan sorry for the delay will be update be for Friday noon, have done couple of "symbolic value chain" but I was not happy with that.. Cheers Duminda
thanks for your designs. I like #148 best. Could you maybe take that draft and - use the colors for the three shapes as in #147 - bring the icon at the same height than the words (maybe increase the heigt of the words a bit) - reduce the rotation a bit (so that it's a bit more straight and doesn't point that much into the air)
with the modifications _the colors as in #147 _the icon at the same height than the words and increased the height of the words _reduced the rotation a bit Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to see any revisions to your logo.