Complexity ManagementLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Complexity Management

Complexity Management has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 216 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.


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Great drafts! I really like #9. Could you make the "C" in the box maybe white so that you can read it better?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

14 years ago
#12 looks cook but maybe a bit too anxious. Don't be offended if I take it out. :)
14 years ago
Hi cdash,

after I sorted #12 away I just realized that the arrangement of the letters "CM" in the icon look quite cool. Could you maybe try to set up a logo only with the two words "complexity management" next to each other and the letters "CM" as an icon as arranged in the turning ball of #12 next (left) to the two words?

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Hi cdash,

thanks for the drafts. Could you create another version of #15 with the two words on top of each other?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Different variation with the block concept. The block is adjusted to show the front better.

(This comment references Entry #16)
14 years ago
Hi cdash,

#16 looks good. Two small things:

a) please use white as the color for the "c" in the boxes (as grey is a bit hard to read).
b) Could you add one more box (to make it four or maybe even five) and make it look a bit more like the value chain symbols (please refer to the public comment I wrote below the contest)
c) try alternative b) with the boxes arranged horizontally below the words "complexity management" written on top of each other.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Rework of #16 with white 'C'. I also re-adjusted the type on the block face. It just did not look right to me.

(This comment references Entry #19)
14 years ago
Good evening cdash,

thanks a lot for #19. I looks way better than #16 (I'll mark #16 as not interested, so don't be offended ;). But out of all block-concepts me and my colleagues still like #14 best. But it was worth a try.

Maybe you could try the what I briefly described under b) and c). This whole "value chain"-symbol idea could look quite cool...

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
More variations with the block idea. Playing with arrows for the value chain. Change the background for a different look.

(This comment references Entry #25)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
More block ideas. Solving the cube! Very complex indeed.

(This comment references Entry #34)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Simplistic arrows for the value chain idea.

(This comment references Entry #35)
14 years ago
Dear cdash,

thanks a lot for your submissions. Especially the idea of #25 looks great!

However we have to make some additional changes to #25:
- Could you create one version of #25 with only one row of boxes and without letters on the boxes?
- Could you create another version of #25 according to the draft I uploaded under . This would then also represent the idea of your #35 which goes into the same direction.

@ #34: The idea looks good. Could you try to leave this logo as-is but make the word "management" a bit shorter so that the two words and the logo become a "block"?

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Dear cdash,

@ #10 and #11: Could you try to make another version of our initial idea but with 4*4 or 5*5 squares (depending on what looks better regarding symmetry)?

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Hi cdash,

thanks for #34 and #40. I guess there's some potential in the idea.

Could you please try the following:-

- Could you make a bit more clear that it's a 3*3*3 or 2*2*2 cube out of small cubes? So far this is not clearly visible as the upper edge/area is not clearly visible / distinguishes itself from the white background.
- Could you make this cube then a bit bigger so that it has the same height than the two words "complexity management"? Maybe move the two words "complexity management" closer towards each other so that the cube doesn't have to become that large to have the same height.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Dear cdash,

thanks for #68. I really like the idea with the magnifying glass, as it represents exactly our approach (literally "looking for" the bad and costly complexity of our clients)! :)

Maybe you can try the following as a varyation of #68: Make the cube consisting of 3*3*3 red cubes (and with them also being red at the top, left and right side, in contrast to #68). Then place this cube (without the glass) next to the two words.

Then, as another variation, take that approach but add the magnifying glass and place it over the 3*3*3 cube with a focus on one small cube in the middle (which is then the only white cube in the 3*3*3 arrangement).

In case you've any questions don't hesistate to ask.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Thanks for #77 and #78!

Could you alter #78 in a way that you give the white small cube a black margin? Right now one can not distinguish it as a white cube but just as a white spot. I think there's a lot of potential in that idea. :)

And maybe move the white block in another alternative one block to the right and one block down.

Best regards and thanks in advance,

14 years ago
Good evening cdash,

we just had the first discussion round of the drafts and liked your #8. Could you create another version that looks a bit like the .jpg which I attached (it's a draft in Powerpoint, so apologies for the missing color).

Of course the cubes should be colored like in #77.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
If you are partial to a particular font, please let me know otherwise I will stick with what I have been using.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Combined cubes with process arrows.

(This comment references Entry #93)
14 years ago
Hi cdash,

thanks for #93. I really like it! Could you try to place the icon next to the words (and increase the height of the words so that you have also a bit more space to make the three cubes a bit bigger?

@#90: The white cube is bigger than the other red ones, right? Plus the edges are not that clearly visible (the line is a bit too narrow). I like #91 (the white cube in the middle) better anyway, so we'll leave #90 away for now.

#91: Could you
a) Remove the magnifying glass and move the white cube two cubes to the right (so that it's in the middle of the other surface) and put it back in (so that it doesn't stick out like it does right now?)
b) Remove the magnifying glass and create another alternative with the white cube completely drawn out of the red cube? (Don't know whether this will work but we can try).

Best regards and thanks in advance,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Rotating cubes from a different perspective.

(This comment references Entry #109)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Complexity at night!!

(This comment references Entry #112)
14 years ago
Dear cdash,

#112 and the idea behind it is great. However it can only be used "at night" (on dark background / black paper): Quite sad cos it looks cool. :)

@ #39: Could you put the two words on top of each other, remove the big arrow on top of the two words and place the value chain symbols below the words with the same width than the two words (forming a block)? Please leave the arrows on top of the value chain symbols as-is.
Maybe, as another variant, use this new version and place the value chain symbols over the words.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,

14 years ago
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