We like this! Please add hyphens between the MKT letters. The stripes and star is a little too military - could it have more of a trail feel? The trees are nice, we don't have a lot of pine here so maybe something more elm looking or wheat (historically this would work). We like the rustic feel and the olive green type color on #14. Thank you for your images.
OK. We have looked at this a bit further and your design is definitely along the lines of what we are looking for. The main comment I'm getting from co-workers is to try to incorporate the train somehow. Please let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing more!
We really like your updates! #40 is getting really close to what we're thinking. How about seeing one outside ring in the greenish and the other in the red. Thank you!!
...also, we'd like to have the leaf more representative of what is found on the trail. Our suggestion would be a red oak or white oak leaf.
You may have missed this in an earlier "group" comment, but we no longer feel it is necessary to have the text "nature and fitness trail." We prefer that this be deleted. We DO want the title "M-K-T Trail" - it can be on separate lines.
Additionally, while we like the wooden nickel "feel," we'd like to see one image with the historically correct shield shape from the original M-K-T railroad line. A website with this image can be found here: http://www.hominy.lib.ok.us/heritage/depot.html
Thank you for your updates! We like how #49 doesn't have the lines on the sides of M-K-T. On this one could we see the M-K-T a bit larger and move the word trail down to where the star is, it's OK to get rid of the leaves if needed. On #50 and #50, can we please see it with a more landscape look on the sides of the train and also see it in 2 color design. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks again.
#57 is looking great and very close to what we want! I had one person suggest seeing it with the brownish color in black - can you please post one like this? Not sure we will go with that, may stay with the brown, but wanting to show all options. We will give you any final suggestions later today so we can select the final design in 24 hours. Thanks for your work!
Thanks! I think we are set on #57! Only one slight change and that should be the final one! Could you please remove about 1/4 to 1/3 of the line on each side of the word TRAIL so it doesn't touch the border? Looking forward to seeing it!
Hi Check please #64. On all old entrys I was using train, that I have creating using this photo: http://www.northeast.railfan.net/images/mkt101.jpg My reason was that train should look exactly like historical one. But community has noticed, that photos on this site are only for personal use, so I cant use them even in graphic tansformation. Thats why I have created exact train, but from different angle of perspective.
We really like the original train much better, but understand you have been asked not to use it. We liked the side angle of the original train - not so much from the front. Can you angle it more like the other without making it so similar to the other image? Thank you!!
Logo Tournament has reversed their decision since I got written permission to use the original image. So we are ready to finalize and go back to using #63. Is there a difference between #62 and #63? Thanks so much, we're so glad it worked out because we are very happy with the logo.