Colour SoupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Colour Soup

Colour Soup has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 229 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.






Logo Designer
dear CH,
here are my initial entries. i try to incorporate the things you have in mind.
i wish to hear your comments.

14 years ago
#144 - This is fantastic! Love the bowl + action of the paint colours. Frame is great too. I feel the business name / tagline aren't clear enough - maybe try different fonts (less loopy?), and bigger? Thank you for trying to incorporate my elements! This is looking great. the dandelion is slightly cluttering...happy for you to remove it, and perhaps add in a single 'mini splatter' etc instead in it's place? Could I see this in different colour variations? While these colours are fine, I was aiming to have a slightly more blue colour as the key colour.

#143 - Love the bowl angle, size + paint colours, and the tapered line underneath. This image is so good, it doesn't need the picture frame in the background at all =) Would look cleaner / more hip without it. Again, not keen on this font used for 'colour soup' (maybe something cleaner or bigger?). The tagline font is a bit more of what I'm after for the tagline.

#146 - This is ok, a bit uneventful compared to #144, #143. I do like the contrasting colours of the tagline + business name. The actual colours may need to be a tiny bit stronger?

#145 - Not keen on this image - looks like a big cauldron! Or too Jetsons cartoon!

Thanks for your logos - looking forward to seeing the improved variations! You have a great artistic talent yet simple clean style!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
dear slaize,
thank you for your feed back! i will adjust them as per your comments. i just want to explain a bit about entry #145...the big cauldron :) i actually try to make the bowl as a stool. but i think it did not work :)
be back with the revised versions soon.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
dear slaize,
entry #164 - #167 are the revised and alternative color & font for entry #144.
you can mix and match the picture and the font from these entries which ever you like the most.
i just want to make sure am i using is the right blue?

entry #169 and #170 are the revised versions from entry #143.
i took out the frame, adjust the colors, and change the font.

if you need anything else just let me know :)

thank you.
14 years ago
Hello - thanks for the variations..

Blue - I like the blue used in entry #62.. which is a bit deeper / richer..can I see how this colour looks on #165? You might need to make it a bit lighter. The blue you used in #165 is also nice, and probably works better for your design (since it is a bit lighter, and allows the stronger bowl colours to stand out).

#167 - I don't like the dark blue or the yellow. Font is nice & clean but a bit boring.

#169 - I like the font & size of the tagline. I like how the tagline is different colour from the business name.

#165 - I prefer this kind of font for 'Colour Soup'.. but not sure I like the 's' - are there other similar font styles that are modern like this, but with a tiny bit more character / different to this? Also, the words look like they need to be a tiny bit bigger (one-two size?)

Not keen on the 'Colour Soup' fonts in #169, #170, #166, #164.

#165 - haha.. this splat (that replaced the dandelion) is too big / messy (or too spidery). A bit more white space needed. Something less / smaller specks would be better.

#164 - This splat is a bit too long / skinny / stringy.

Overall, I like #165, #170 best of of these variations, so work with these - they look fresher than the purple bowl #169. #164 is ok too.

Thank you very much!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi slaize,
i tried on some more fonts and simplify the splat. i also have changed the blue into deeper one. i think it does work better than the previous. anything else you want just let me know :)

14 years ago
#171 - This is great! But the splat still needs to be less splat, more speck. Prefer colour soup in all lowercase. Font is ok.. but any other thin weight fonts?

14 years ago
#185 - Great - this font works well to give it a young modern look. I also like the 'splat' - how it has a smaller circle. But I think the big circle 'splat' is a bit too round now. Maybe make it slightly longer so it looks like it came from the blue paint. So something between #185 / #171, #164.

Can I also see #185 without the 'splat' at all please.

Thank you again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi slaize,
#187 and #188 are the revised version. #188 don't have splat at all, and #187 i changed the big splat into longer shaped splat. is this what you mean?
let me know if there is still something to be fixed :)

14 years ago
#187 - Much better. Tiny change - currently the splat looks almost like a question mark (which I don't want to give subliminal message of my brand of question mark / uncertainty!). Can you remove the top half of the longer bit which looks like a 'c' shape... I'm thinking the remaining bit will subtly resemble an exclamation mark which will be clever. No need to change size or anything else.

#188 - Perfect - thanks! Just wanted to see this to compare impact.

#175 - please change the font to lowercase for 'colour soup' and if it's not already, make same font as #187 (keep current colours)

Could you also provide the following versions of #187, #188, #175 please:
- Black and white logo / words (on white background)
- Black background with white logo / words
- Grayscale version

Thanks again!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm sorry for the delay...i had to go out for a while. i'm doing the revision right now.
be back to you soon!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
dear slaize,
here are the versions on color and black&white.
for the negative BW version (on black back ground), there are 2 options you can use which is with white canvas, or on black canvas. i think the black canvas have more contrast rather than the white. but it's up to you to choose.
let me know which version you choose for the final one.

best regards,
14 years ago
Hi Tamara,

No worries - I also went out for a while! Keen to sort out the revisions today if convenient for you.

#209 - The 'splat' - I only want to keep the lower two-thirds of the exclamation mark, so please remove the top thick part of the blob (that used to be part of the 'c'). Keep the two thin bits coming off the top of middle blob. No need to change anything else with the rest of the splat. Hope this makes sense! It's a bit hard to describe. Thank you for your patience!

Thanks for the grayscale/BW revisions - these are great, but i feel the greyscale reduces the impact / contrast.

#215 - fix the 'splat'. Then please try to make it a white frame on black background (& canvas). You can try the outside of the bowl in black to see if that is stronger impact. I do like the inside of the bowl in white, as that really stands out. With the paint...maybe leave it as it is and see how this words on a white frame. But keen for you to try using only black/white (e.g. start with black on the left and then alternate the paint as white then black then black).

Please make the 'colour soup' words in white on black background (if it isn't already - looks a bit like gray at the moment, but it might just be my screen / illusion!)

#219 - Similar, I'd prefer more impact / contrast, so instead of the greyscale, can you try to do this in black & white only. So words 'colour soup' in black (leave tagline in grey). Try the outside of the bowl in black, and the inside white (so maybe draw a black outline only of the rear edge of the bowl). For the paint, make the darkest one black...but happy for you to adjust the order of alternating white / black paint based on what works best.

#219 - another variation I'd like to see - draw the outline of the image in black (but don't use solid fill), so the bowl will end up white outlined in black edge. The reflection triangle can be in black. For the paint - try to use black and white only (e.g. outline in black line if you need to, and leave the fill white for some, then solid fill in black for some.) Hope this makes sense!

Thanks for all your efforts!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi slaize,
so, here they are...#220 is the revision from #209. i have removed the upper part of the splat. if i was not doing it correctly, maybe it will be clearer if you sketch on my entry and email me.

#221 and #222 are 2 alternatives for the BW version if you want it on black and white only (no gray). i think #222 works better. but i leave it to you.

#223 and #224 are 2 alternatives for the negative BW version. i prefer #223 for this one.

#225 is the revision for #219 with black bowl.

#226 is the revision for #219 with white bowl.

hopefully i got your brief right :)

14 years ago
Thank you Tamara - yes, the BW variations are all correct.

You are right - I agree #222, #223 do look better. I also prefer #226 white bowl.

Minor changes (and then we should be done!):

#220 - Happy with the splat shape - thank you for your perseverance! Just a minor adjustment - please slide/move the whole splat closer to the main paint (i.e. keep same angle as current, but just move it about one circle diameter closer in between the main blue & orange paint). Reason for this is to make it look like it came from the main paint, and I would like the keep the top left of the canvas free as white space.

(please also move splat closer for #222, 223)

#223 - please make the white outlines of the bowl & paint a bit thicker (same thickness as black outline of bowl in #226). Frame is perfect - leave as is.

Thank you so much - I really appreciate all your work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Slaize,
entry #227 is the revision from #220. i have moved the splat closer to the main paint.

#228 is the revision for the the BW version #222

#229 is the revision for the negative BW version #223. i have also thickened the outline.

anything else, just let me know. it's been fun doing your logo :)

14 years ago
Thanks Tamara!

Interestingly #222 looks better than #228.

I'm more than happy with your designs so thank you for your creativity!

Now, as the key concept is the colour+soup bowl which I may want to use without the frame, would you be kind enough to combine / provide both:
#227 - Logo in colour & #211 - Bowl into one file for me?

Then if I select you as winner, the variations I would like to receive are:
#222 - BW version
#229 - On black background verson
#226 - Bowl BW

Does this sound ok to you? I'm keen to finalise the contest =)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi slaize,
yes i also think that #228 's outline is too thick. the thickness in #222 is just enough.

actually if there's nothing more to revised and you have chosen me (or anyone) as a winner, we have to give you all the material you need in vector format which you can resize to any size you want.
i can put all of them in one file (including #226 in BW negative that you might also need).
so you will have 2 sets of logo. 1 is set for #227 and 1 for #211. each have color, BW positive, and BW negative.

is that ok or you still need the jpeg file for #227 & #211 in 1 file before deciding?

thanks :)
14 years ago
Ok, that sounds great - yes please provide the two sets!

Thanks heaps! Winner declared =)

Lovely working with you Tamara - thank you for all the versions! Love it!
14 years ago
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