Colour SoupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Colour Soup

Colour Soup has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 229 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.
















Hi Amare

#8 - I like the colour combination in the circles + the energy / joy created. Curious to see variations where the circles are different shapes (e.g. cool stylish star etc.. or your ideas of sophistication!) I also like the lighter background/bottom circles to give the logo more depth / complexity.

I'm not so keen on the font of 'Colour Soup (as it's a bit boring, no personality), or the colours in the word 'Colour' (I'd prefer not to have black in it). I like the colour of the word 'Soup'. Perhaps try a version with 'Colour Soup' in the same colour as 'Soup', but try accenting a letter e.g. 'S' of Soup in a slightly lighter shade of the same colour? Just suggestions. Tag line will need to change to 'Live tastefully'. Excited to see what you can do! =)

#7 Very cute - made me smile. But not keen on this font as it's a bit too thin so not eye-catching / strong impact enough. Probably not keen on the rainbow, as a bit too childlike for the brand, which is aimed more at 20+ 40 year olds...

Thanks for your entries - you have some very unique & creative ideas - would love to see some more from you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I will made some changes as you asked.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#11 and #12 two new versions new font and sparkles. I hope you like them.
14 years ago
Thank you!

#12 - LOVE this! The new shapes really add to the excitement / joyful energy. I like the colours you have used here in the shapes. To keep sense of unity, perhaps font colour of 'Colour Soup' should be kept same colour as one of the shapes? The teal is looking slightly different at the moment (might just be my screen?).

I like the single colour used with contrast shade for font of 'Colour Soup' in #12 - but perhaps the font style is not quite there (letters slightly too thin?). I find I am preferring the cleaner look font like in #8.

Interested to see different arrangements / placement of the elements in the logo. Anyway you can think of to incorporate some reference of 'Soup' imagery into it to reinforce the business name?

#11 - thanks for this. I have ranked it lower only because I prefer #12 out of the two.
14 years ago
#23 - This is good - only concerned that at first I thought it was a puddle under the bursts - it isn't easily recognisable as a soup bowl? Please remove the background circles behind the image - it's a bit over complex. (Keep the background circles behind the words - this looks interesting). I like the 'S' colour contrast.

Font in #23 is better than in #12.

#24, #25 - These are fun, but the brand needs to convey professionalism, so I'd prefer the word alignment not to climb...

Thanks again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm sorry, here we use soup bowls in that shape and even thinner. I can draw another more round.
I will put the word aligned. I was an idea I had around Colour Soup and Colours o UP. Playing with the changes in grouping the words in another order and the final UP in a upper position
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#27 new Bowl.
#26 with dandelions, a new design option.
Make your wishes
14 years ago

#26 - I really like how this one looks more stylish / sophisticated and still captures some fun. As this style is much simpler, probably doesn't need the background circles which complicate it. While the font is ok, not 100% happy with it - needs a font that looks more 'hip' and modern / less casual...

#27 - Bowl is much clearer now, but perhaps a little dominant in the overall design. Perhaps make the bowl 2/3 the current height, and make the bursts a tiny bit bigger / taller (like in entry #12). Concerned that on a letterhead the shapes / design will be too small to see properly.

P.S That is interesting to know culturally about your soup bowls! I didn't realise this. You are very creative to spot the 'up' in Soup. Very clever interpretation! But I'd prefer the straight word alignment for professional-look. Thanks for the insights!
14 years ago
#41 - I prefer the star shapes like #23. Colours of the pompoms are good though. Font here is better as it's not italicised. My focus group thought the image now looks like a pot plant though.

#26, #12, #23 - these have potential.

#23 - not keen on the font. Perhaps a lighterweight, modern font for the tagline. Maybe keep the shapes as the only colour, and simplify the soup bowl (e.g. outline only in white or gradient grey / neutral tan; instead of colouring in the bowl).
14 years ago
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