#26 - I really like how this one looks more stylish / sophisticated and still captures some fun. As this style is much simpler, probably doesn't need the background circles which complicate it. While the font is ok, not 100% happy with it - needs a font that looks more 'hip' and modern / less casual...
#27 - Bowl is much clearer now, but perhaps a little dominant in the overall design. Perhaps make the bowl 2/3 the current height, and make the bursts a tiny bit bigger / taller (like in entry
#12). Concerned that on a letterhead the shapes / design will be too small to see properly.
P.S That is interesting to know culturally about your soup bowls! I didn't realise this. You are very creative to spot the 'up' in Soup. Very clever interpretation! But I'd prefer the straight word alignment for professional-look. Thanks for the insights!