Sorry about that photobucket problem. It was a private folder and I made it public so this should work now. A few headshots are at: I will try to post more that are in line with this project.
I may or may not include the tagline: clean, lean, green, and serene so I am looking at how that is working. Serene alone is definitely wrong. The whole message I am trying to convey with the program is that if mom's get off their tushes and pump up their housecleaning to a full exercise program they will have a clean house and a fit body and that will bring them mental peace. The actual program is quite energetic.
As far as the new postings go #7 and #8 are definitely not along the lines that I am thinking. So thanks but that direction is not worth pursuing. #4, 5 and 6 are closer to what I was thinking of but the stock pictures are probably throwing me off because they have nothing to do with house cleaning. They are too much about poised exercise poses and there is nothing in my program remotely like yoga postures. And I can't say I care for the lettering. I am going to show all of these to some friends to see if I can do a better job of conveying the thought here. But overall think Rachael Ray but snarkier. The idea is to have a fun, quirky personality presenting an program designed to combine common household chores with exercise routines. So the idea is to up the energy and multi-task effectively. Any final figure should reflect my own persona so if we get a direction going that works I would expect a hairdo more like my own and on the reddish side.
Keeps the ideas flowing. And thank you so much for your efforts.