Clean TECH3Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Clean TECH3
Clean TECH3 has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 323 designs
from 67 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
The Legal TECH, Deal TECH for Clean TECH Industries
What We Do
Note the 3 in TECH3 is meant to be a superscript, as in "Clean Tech cubed"
Target audience: Renewable and alternative energy developers involved in transformative energy technologies and the lawyers and deal advisors that represent them. This is a software platform to facilitate Clean Tech deals such as joint ventures and financing arrangements, and to allow sponsors and developers to better administer and comply with those deal terms.
Target audience: Renewable and alternative energy developers involved in transformative energy technologies and the lawyers and deal advisors that represent them. This is a software platform to facilitate Clean Tech deals such as joint ventures and financing arrangements, and to allow sponsors and developers to better administer and comply with those deal terms.
Color Preferences
Green - traditional clean tech color
Also black and/or grey
Possibly add blue if it works with the logo
Also black and/or grey
Possibly add blue if it works with the logo
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This is a software logo, but targeted to cleantech / renewable and alternative energy providers. Logo should reflect the software product tailored to cleantech.
Style Inspiration