Thanks. I will do so now and will look for the files. For each, please provide the raw source in .psd (along with .esp and any others you usually provide) together with a rendered image file usable in Microsoft products. Thanks. Great working with you.
Greetings. This is great. I’m minded to end the contest early and select your design, but I still cannot decide among the variations you’ve provided. If I select your design and end the contest, can you please give me copies of the top 4 ranked variations you’ve submitted?
Hi, Thank you for your ranking & feedback. Sure, Please check these updates #162#163. I'm still not sure, Should I include all the slogan? "The Legal TECH, Deal TECH for Clean TECH Industries" or is it two slogan options?
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1. Exactly like this one but with the full slogan stretched out on a single line directly under the word CleanTECH
2. Same as 1 above, but with the symbol in all green dots.
3. Same as 2 above, but smooth out the peaks on the symbol so it looks like a smooth C
Thanks. We like this design and would like to see these variations of it!
Thank you