Thanks for these submissions. Regarding #110 - 1. Could we see the icon to the left of the text 2. Could you try a variation with the "Clean Energy" the darker green and the "Capital" the lighter green 3. Could you try a variation with the icon smaller and text larger? 4. Maybe also a less bold font?
We like #121. Very clever and successful lettermark! Some variations we’d like to see: 1. “Capital” is too faded. Maybe keep the dark green but non-bold? Something that is still contrasting but not weak. 2. Could we see a variation without the line between icon and text? 3. Could we see a variation with “Investment Banking” in a green shade, and a little larger? 4. Could we see a variation with a horizontal line between the two lines of text?
Thank you for the variations. #121 is the leading design due primarily to the strength of the lettermark icon. You have succeeded in combining our initials into a clean design that invokes energy. We'd still like to work on the text a bit, to make it just right. I don't think the underlines in #154 or #155 are an improvement on #121, but thank you for presenting these options. Can you work work from #121 and try the following: 1. Color - we prefer the color combination that has appeared in several other designs, such as #101 and #123. Can you try this? 2. "Investment Banking" - can you make this slightly larger (as you did in #154) and dark green? 3. Layout - Can you try eliminating the vertical line and narrowing the space between the icon and the text?
I hope these aren't difficult changes, and thank you for your efforts on this.
I believe it is late at night in Jakarta - thank you for sending the new variants. We have studied them closely, and they confirm the very high quality of #121. We particularly like the fade treatment in the logo in #121 - we don't think any of the alternatives are superior.
Could we ask you to work again from #121, with the following variations: A. Please make "Capital" the same color as the center of the icon and leave everything else the same B. Please make "Capital" the same color as the center of the icon and make "Investment Banking" one shade darker grey.
You are our winning designer, so congratulations on this! I'm not sure I have communicated my last requested changes clearly. We would like to see #121 with two modifications (which I guess would become #195 and #196)
#195 would be exactly the same as #121 (with the vertical line between the icon and the lettering, and everything else the same as well) but with the color of the word "Capital" changed to be the same color as the center color of the icon. The center color of the icon in #121 looks to me like chartreuse, which is a more yellow green than a blue green. We would like to see how the #121 icon looks with the word "Capital" matching the center color of the icon.
#196 would be exactly the same as #195, but with the words "Investment Banking" in a darker shade of grey.
thanks for this. We like #196 but notice that you've changed the vertical line from the way it was in #121, making it a lighter shade, which is not our desire. Can you change #196 so that the vertical line is the same as it was in #121? thanks.
Yes thank you! We would like you to upload the winning version #197, a black & white version, and a version with a colored background (the darker green color).
The files came through fine but we are unable to launch the .eps file. We are running Adobe Illustrator CS2, which said it is not current enough to launch the .eps file you provided. Can you send a file format compatable with Adobe Illustrator CS2? Thanks.