move the fishhead to the side of the bowl so it looks like its printed on the side of the bowl. Also, go back to the original shape of the fish head, this one looks stretched.
I like the bowl and text locations and added food to the bowl. However it looks too much like a salad bowl. Our menu would be closet to Grain bowls with rice, veggies, proteins and beans.
-Remove the "" from specialty bowls.
-put the fish back to its original shape and color and postion it small to the side of the bowl where the new dark brown is
-Nice title font! try a few different colors as well with that font
Also, I wanted to suggest using the white fish head logo I attached or adjusting the color of the fish head to any lighter shade. It may contrast better on the dark brown of the bowl. Thank you!
I like how the bowl is in motion and the toppings are in flow. Try to add more toppings to go in the bowl, making it look more full, and then maybe even coming out of the bowl under the fonts to add to the motion effect. Also remove the fish head from its current position and make it small and put it on the bowl. Id say a setting it a little off-center, that way the bowl will look more in motion and the fish head appears that it's really on the bowl. I think the fish head on the bowl will give it a better branded look and a more credible looking concept. The logo then would then show the fonts hanging out there to the left of the bowl with plenty of white space behind it. I think that will look good, especially if you can make the bowl more full with food and show motion of it coming out of the bowl. Also, I do like the "Chovies" font because its bubbly and fun. Perhaps there are more options like that. The "Specialty Bowls" perhaps can be more like a hand-writing font, maybe cursive as well but hopefully still easily readable. Too many times a cursive font can make the place look too fancy and I want to avoid that. Lastly is the color. Another logo used that dark shade of brown from your font color and used it for the bowl color. I like the way that looked. Then using a brighter contrasting font color to go with the brown. Perhaps pulling colors from the food in the bowl to use for the title and/or sub-title. Green, cream, orange, mustard yellow stand out to me. I like the logo a lot! You brought a lot of good ideas here and l look forward to revisions. Thank you
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-Remove the "" from specialty bowls.
-put the fish back to its original shape and color and postion it small to the side of the bowl where the new dark brown is
-Nice title font! try a few different colors as well with that font