My proposition for your competition. A Zen like, emblem symbol. Bold and easy to reproduce on any medium. #32 Can also be used in the typography itself, as part of the logo. #31
Can you reduce the kerning in #31 to make it tighter?
Is this symbol something that you created or is it royalty-free or something that I will have trademark issues with? Because I intend to register this logo as a trademark so want to make sure it's original work.
Deux - could I get the CHILLIONAIRE FILES (you can do just the EPS if you'd like) with the CHILLIONAIRE only in text? without the logo 'O' - I dont think that it would need to be used often, but when it was needed, I would like to have a text only version with the O as a NON-GRAPHIC element.
Deux - could I get the CHILLIONAIRE FILES (you can do just the EPS if you'd like) with the CHILLIONAIRE only in text? without the logo 'O' - I dont think that it would need to be used often, but when it was needed, I would like to have a text only version with the O as a NON-GRAPHIC element.
The files have been up loaded to both logo tournament and files have been sent to your personal email. Will send the text variant in a few minutes to your personal gmail account.