in entry # 34 make the entire logo rectangular, it is now square make the letters "the only place for a good time out" in the black bottom RED make the word CENTERCOURT all green (same color green as #35)
in # 82 we maybe changing the name to TIME OUT! can you show us another logo that simply replaces the words TIME OUT! where CENTERCOURT is? everything else is great
Sure I can change the name into "TIME OUT".. too bad I'm not able to submit the design since the contest has ended, and only 1st rank design can submit further... can you give me your email address? I'll happily send it there.
Sure I can change the name into "TIME OUT".. too bad I'm not able to submit the design since the contest has ended, and only 1st rank design can submit further... can you give me your email address? I'll happily send it there.