Catholic Family GiftsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Catholic Family Gifts

Catholic Family Gifts has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 127 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Weakest of your first 4 concepts
cross is to casual for our customer - Not looking for a Catholic Nike swosh
16 years ago
First Message is regarding #6
16 years ago
#8 Like it best of the first four submissions
The placement of the cross is stronger for our web header
we like where you are going with the fonts but they seem unrelated to each other
family seems too large in the design
we are hoping to have the slogan in the design

#5 Stained glass effect makes it too churchy rigid and formal

#7 Has a good looseness but hoping you can capture some of the spontenaity of gift giving without it being overly casual.
Again family seens to large in the design
Would need the slogan

These designs seem to focus well on the religious nature of our brand but miss the gift giving nature of our site.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback, and will incorporate
16 years ago
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