Liking the cross in the box, Try to work in blue as it is the main color on, Keep in mind that this will need to work on a web header, current design is too vertical. Also the slogan was posted incorrectly in the contest brief. please use Bringing the Faith Home in future submissions.
#3 can the bow and/or cross make use of the yellow from #1 Can you show me this with some different relationship of scale between the image and text. We like what is going on in the bow. It is a little looser and fun and has that playful gift giving quality to it
#4 We appreciate seeing how it would work on a color backgroung concentrate of Image on white background.
#14 Thank you for incorporating the yellow. This is our favorite gift box so far. I think we prefer the gift on the left hand side as in #3. The gift on top as in #1, #15 is not going to work. Can you try using the same yellow in the phrase "Bringing the faith home" as you do in the box. #15 We are intrigued by the use of this font. Is it possible to have the "t" in gifts NOT use the cross-like "t"?
#17 Thanks for bringing the yellow into the slogan and repositioning the gift. We want the logo on a white backgroud though. #19 Interesting font. it gets a little to thin in places to have a strong enough presence.