Thanks for your entries. We love the idea you have with the grid iron globe and love the chrome in your stars. We're looking for a font that looks like Eurostile so the text "CAR SHOW" will look more like a car emblem/badge. Also, we don't think ".com" and "World" should be on the same one line. It makes it look like our web site is at "".
Sorry, we had #70 ranked, but since all of your designs had "" on one line and we had some questions about that and it not following our feedback, we needed to take it off the ranked list.
by the way the font in my logo is Plymouth's Font. I wanted a bit retro look that is why I used this fonts and placed CAR SHOW insiade the "box" looking like an oldstyle car emblem
The stars and the design layout is great... different from the others and is nice. We're just hoping for CAR SHOW to be chrome and in a font closer to the "LONE Star" trucks logo...
Sorry to not have any specific suggestions, but we'd like to find a better script font than the one used for "World". None submitted really are the best for what we're looking for even though some are OK.
Also don't know if you need the extra line around the globe connecting to the stars.
Thanks for your entries. We really like the World font in #152.
FYI... we were getting so many different versions from several people that weren't being very focused on our feedback so we had to remove any ranked logos that had a slight hint that would encourage people to continue to design down a path that was not in line with our priority requirements.
We are open to new ideas (like the "CAR SHOW" font in #100 and the different design in #120), but the primary design that we have been directing seems to be the only thing that is really sticking (somewhat resulting in #83). If you want to continue to submit entries along the design that we have been directing, please read the notes on the contest web page, especially those at the bottom. We have a few must haves for our suggested design and we are trying to not mislead anyone or waste anyone's time. If there is something in the design that we are directing that you are not able to produce (such as chrome and font that really looks like the "LONE Star" trucks logo..., please do not submit an entry unless it is a totally different design that you'd like to propose.