Thanks... #75 is a bit too dark and it makes it a bit too busy to be able to read the words. Also, we prefer the word "World" in red and if you had #46 done in red, it'd be the 1st rank at this time replacing #46...
Thanks! #83 is really looking great. We may still be interested in new designs, but nothing else has been submitted that works for us, and you've taken this design idea that we've had and really done a great job.
We love how the red, white and blue kind of sneaked up into the design. We really liked those colors but didn't think of how it would all fit in, like the blue stars and the blue ".com". Since it has a patriotic connection, can you make the ".com" a Navy blue, and "World" a dark red, matching the US flag colors? The exact colors of the flag are on this wikipedia web page...
Dark Red #BF0A30 (191,10,48) White #FFFFFF (255,255,255) Navy Blue #002868 (0,40,104)
Can you center "CAR SHOW" vertically on the globe? It's almost there, but not quite low enough. The goal is to have things more evenly balanced height-wise, so maybe when "CAR SHOW" is centered vertically and "World" and ".com" are all lowered to follow "CAR SHOW", then the stars can come down a bit, too and it all fit centered within the top and bottom of the grey globe... you may need to make the stars just a bit smaller to have it fit that way after it's all lowered to have "CAR SHOW" centered vertically.
Also, can you make ".com" where the dot is not floating or centered vertically in ".com", and have it closer to the "C"? Maybe use a similar blocky font but where the C is easier to read when it's smaller and it won't look like a "O" when it's shrunk down.
It's looking great and other than the above requests, we only have a couple of other ideas. We may have the stars be in a solid Navy blue chrome, or in a chrome like "CAR SHOW" is in, or in a solid black. And while we really like the script font that "World" is in, we may be open to another font with a slightly curvier "W" and maybe a little thicker, but we love the current font's letters "orld". Not a required request to change the font for "World", but we are open to something that may be a tighter fit.
Hi Don, just wanted to give you a heads up that the client asked me to make the world in my logo designs red - wasn't copying you, it was just a change the client asked for. My original design is #74 - these new designs #99 & #100 were how the client wanted my design to evolve.
Just letting you know so you don't think I'm copying your colors.
Garrison, Thanks for the feedback, it really helps me achieve exactly what you want in your logo. I will submit revisions approx. 5pm CDT. Thanks again, Don
This contest has been interesting since it's really been about creating the best version of this design idea. Yours has continued to improve. Your "CAR SHOW" chrome is really looking great with the "LONE Star" trucks logo font looking very nicely.
Just a couple of teaks/ideas to see how it improves or not... - Bring "World" out to the top layer so that it overlaps on top of "CAR SHOW" then bump it up a bit higher to go on top of the words "CAR SHOW" like you did in #19 - Can you make "World" the Dark Red web color #BF0A30 - Can you make "World" just s bit bolder or thicker - Make the .COM just a bit bolder or thicker - Make the shadow on the bottom right and the chrome edges dark on the top left on the stars, like you have on "CAR SHOW"
Misc ideas... - Maybe make the middle star a slight bit smaller, they are as a group slightly over powering, but I don't want the stars on the ends to get too much smaller... ad/or try a version with the stars all the same size, like the middle sized one
Here is the first of 2 more versions with bolder World .com & darker. I originally used the formulas you provided, but the color seemed to get washed out in conversion. I overcompensated the colors this time.
Thanks... we're not sure what's going on with the red, but we just like the brighter red like in the US Flag and some of the other entries. Maybe we can fine tune things like you said, but we've never done one of these contests before so we don't know how things wrap up.
Can you please complete these final adjustments... - Make "World" the dark red, the official red on the US Flag, web color #BF0A30... your current purplish color come from somewhere since you started using brighter red back in #15 - Make ".com" Navy Blue, the official blue on the US Flag, web color #002868 - Make ".com" in a thicker, more boxy bold font - Maybe bump "World" up just a bit so that the curves in the letters cross over the letters in "CAR SHOW" just a bit more (which will also help show more of the "R"s leg), then raise ".com" if needed - After all the above edits, please try a version with and without the globe background
Thanks, I will be getting to these changes later on today. I am sending the file to my work computer to work on them, maybe I'll have better luck getting the correct red & blue colors. They should be posted before 1pm cdt. Thanks again, Don