Capture HappyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Capture Happy

Capture Happy has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 55 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.














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Logo Designer
I'm intrigued by this project, i'll give it some thought .... here is my instinctive reaction design, happy has been 'captured' by two brackets, which are often used as smiles of course. Feedback welcome at this stage, but I'll definitely be back with more designs in this competition, its a subject matter i'm very passionate about.

(This comment references Entry #3)
14 years ago
#4 Has potential. I get the feeling of masculine and feminine which is good. I also like the color scheme and fonts.
#3 Isn't the direction I'm looking to go.

Open to feedback and recommendations.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm just about to hit the hay, but i couldnt resist another before i go - here the happy is still feminine, but has a warn effect, maybe like a fading memory - the pin has captured the logo, it could refer to a happy place (map pin) or a photograph on a wall. I'll be back to it tomorrow. :)

(This comment references Entry #5)
14 years ago
Thanks. Talk tomorrow. #5 Concept behind the pin is on track (photo, happy place etc) but the representation isn't there. Long story, but push pins drive me nuts. Sleep well! :-)

More back story that may or may not help. I certainly don't mean to overwhelm.

How did the idea of capture happy begin?

About 6 months ago I started to explore the similarities between major religions. I had been hearing too much about how we are separated by our faith. While not being a religious person, I was interested in learning what brought us together rather than what separated us.

The idea was to begin a journey of exploration by interviewing local people of faith. Whether they were members of the church, successful business people, politicians, or even a barista at Starbucks.

The goal was to capture the commonalities and connections that we all share – regardless of background, creed, color, etc.,

Not soon after, I realized it might’ve been a bight more than I could handle. Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it justice but it could be an offshoot of Capture Happy in the future.

So back to Capture Happy – the reason for all of this. To be honest, it started with the name. But the idea had always been inside of me.
(Happiness is a personal thing. What brings you happiness may not bring your friend happiness. The happiness someone might find in getting married might be the same kind of happiness a child finds by playing the in the mud.)

Provide a place for people to share what happiness means to them. There is no operational definition for happy. Happiness takes on the meaning we give it and by the situation we find ourselves.

I am not an expert but just a guide - facilitator. A jump starter for a conversation to begin.

Eventually the website will provide a sense of community. A place for people to share ideas and stories about happiness. I want to capture and share those stories with others.

Vehicles for sharing:
• Blog
• Short videos where I interview everyone from a mechanic, to a politician to a student, couple, minister, therapist – etc., - posted on the site.
• Featured blogs, articles, sites (Happy Partners)
• Recommended books
• Twitter feeds of those on the same journey
• Happiness picture of the week
• Happiness story of the week – RSS feed etc.,

If the concept works – eventually, content can be chunked out into categories. Happiness in business, life, school, marriage, partnerships – etc. people can find inspiration from someone just like themselves or who have gone through a similar situation.

Video Project: Capture Happy Charlotte – discovering the happiness of our local city. What lies beneath the surface of our city and her people?

Keeping it simple is my main objective. “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein”

Give them the story.
Let them share their story – write, video uploads
Read stories of others.
Find inspiration.
Find a sense of community
14 years ago
#4 How can "community" be incorporated into the design. The feeling of sharing? Being a part of something?.... Checked out your work. Husk, you are a talent. Good work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
point taken about the pi - pun intended :) ... thank you for taking time to look at my portfolio.

This one has a subtle picture frame, with the contents deliberately blank for people to 'fill in the space' with there own experience.

I've only had a very short time to work on this today, but I'm back full time tomorrow!

(This comment references Entry #20)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A bit more of a literal interpretation - 'the decisive moment'

(This comment references Entry #21)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another reference to a moment in time.

(This comment references Entry #22)
14 years ago
I'm extremely intrigued about where your design is going. I just want to ensure the design is timeless as it can be. Don't like the red. Even though the "superhero on my site is wearing the color" -- colors that come to mind (not combined - one color) are orange and green. Like the "brackets" - how would they look bracketing "capture happy"?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I do like the simplicity of this concept, I was concerned you wanted more of a pictorial representation, if you think this has legs, I'll take it further. Do you prefer to stick to solid colours (better for printing) or would you be open to something more 3-d looking (look more modern/better for just web) ?

(This comment references Entry #23)
14 years ago
It doesn't have to be literal. I'm after emotion. The end goal is for the viewer of the logo to have a positive experience or positive feeling. From your portfolio, you have the talents so I would be interested in seeing a 3-D look.... #23, I was referring to the camera brackets (view finder look) around capture happy
14 years ago
Logo Designer
aha, I get you

(This comment references Entry #24)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
maybe a bit of subtle humor ?

(This comment references Entry #25)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Something completely different.

(This comment references Entry #31)
14 years ago
#32 - Now you're talking (American slang - apologize). Love the bird. The tag line needs work though and I'm still not 100% sure I want a tag line - what are your thoughts based on your experience? Finally, our best friend's here in town own a company called "Little Red Bird" so the red is not ideal. I was thinking about a "Bluebird" based on the following quote:

“Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then - oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why, oh why, can't I” - Lyman Frank Baum

The only hang up I have is the color of blue :-) ---possible to do a different color blue?

Just occurred to me - will the "bluebird" look too much like "twitter"?

PS - #32. My Mrs. just informed me that she likes the "blue" of the bluebird. So, we go with what the Mrs. said :-)
Still not ruling out the red so please don't withdraw it.
14 years ago
#29 Even though the balloon is lifting happy the design itself feels too heavy. Possible to try something different around the capture happy text? Apologize for my absence of design vocabulary - hope I explained it well enough.
14 years ago
#32 - The font, size and color for Capture Happy are perfect.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Great, glad you like that one - I was trying to show happiness without using a smiley face. I was also concerned that the photo brackets insinuate that the concept is just about photos, when its about so much more.

(This comment references Entry #35)
14 years ago
#35, #36, #32 - I need your expertise and honest assessment of using a tag line?

Here are the words I have on the Facebook fan page:

We're here to help you discover and share what personal happiness means and how your happiness contributes to the world.

We do it by capturing and connecting information, ideas, and inspirational stories from the real world.

Mission: To discover, share and inspire personal happiness.

Be more. Share Happy.
Do more. Share Happy.
Smile more. Share Happy.
Give more. Share Happy.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
heres quite a nice blue - a little bit greeny.

as for a tag line, I think it some cases it can help bring home the message, but I don't think by any means its essential. It is useful to see how one might look though, just in case you decide to have one in the future.

(This comment references Entry #37)
14 years ago
#37 - If we get the right tag line then it's all good. Plus, in vector (eps) it can be removed if need be. Regarding the rainbow, I get it but it's a little too literal and may turn some people off. While I want to be inclusive to all, the rainbow has a specific connotation here in the states. Maybe there too.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
ah yes - hadn't thought about that :)

(This comment references Entry #38)
14 years ago
#32 #35 #36 - Between these three so far. The tag line idea I am warming to. I just needs to say the right thing. I'm going to take some time to think about it. If you have input, based on the info I shared earlier - that would be awesome.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Heres a different beak and a different color ... I'm going to tackle glasses now!

(This comment references Entry #39)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
couple of options on the way here ....

(This comment references Entry #40)
14 years ago
No to #42 - #41 is looking good.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Great - here i've tried to make the colors feel happier

(This comment references Entry #43)
14 years ago
#41 comment from the Mrs - "First reaction….it made me smile really big! How can you not smile looking at the logo?!!"
14 years ago
Logo Designer
first attempt with net :)

(This comment references Entry #44)
14 years ago
#44 - don't go through the effort on the net. Leave the bird and his glasses to creating the smiling alone. It meets almost all of my goals. Would like to see the glasses from #41 on #32, #35.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Personally I prefer with - it's his happy tune, but here is without for comparison - generally speaking I do think 'less is more'

(This comment references Entry #46)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
a notch lighter

(This comment references Entry #47)
14 years ago
I'm with you on the notes - just wanted to see it without.

#46 and #45 - Too much red in the orange. A brighter orange would be better. Move the notes closer to the bird like in #43.

At the moment, I have it narrowed down to between the brighter orange bird and the green (#43)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Just playing around ...

(This comment references Entry #48)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
as bright as it gets orange ...

(This comment references Entry #49)
14 years ago
The legs in #43 feel real to me. In a roadrunner cartoon sort of way. Which I like. Can that "look and feel" be achieved in #47? I know the color of the legs are very similar to the orange of the bird.

More later re: #48
14 years ago
Logo Designer
re: the legs - the only thing that changes on the legs is the color - its either solid black or solid red or solid orange in all the entries - here its slightly darker than the body color, not sure how well it shows up for you, depends on your monitor I guess ... but anyway, the shape of the legs and feet is identical in every entry.

(This comment references Entry #51)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
a little added detail

(This comment references Entry #53)
14 years ago
mrs. wants to add #53 back in the mix
14 years ago
#53: switch to the black legs
14 years ago
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