Capture HappyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Capture Happy

Capture Happy has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 55 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Capture, share and inspire personal happiness.
Color Preferences
Choice is up to designer.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Go to Capture Happy Project on Facebook for more information


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Logo Requirements:
1. Simple
2. Memorable
3. Timeless
4. Versatile
5. Appropriate

“A logo is a flag, a signature, an escutcheon, a street sign. A logo does not sell (directly), it identifies. A logo is rarely a description of a business. A logo derives meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around. A logo is less important than the product it signifies; what it represents is more important than what it looks like. The subject matter of a logo can be almost anything.” - Paul Rand

Capture Happy Background Story:

I want people to be a part of a community. To share their experiences and stories of what it means to be happy.

There is too much pain, suffering, and anger in the world today. We are connected to it ever moment of our lives. But yet, we fail to connect to our own happiness and the happiness of others.

Today’s culture preys on people’s hopes and aspirations. But yet it often fails in empowering people to actually take the necessary actions to be happy.

We’ve all seen the symptoms for this behavior - self-help gurus that promise you fulfillment and a life of purpose. But the only thing being filled is their wallet. Hate to say it, but the self-improvement industry is a lot like eating Chinese food. It fills you up for an hour or so and then you’re left hungry. Maybe that’s part of their ploy – give you just enough so you come back for more. Sounds like a dealer to me.

What if we could truly empower each other to find our own happiness? We share our own ideas and stories of happiness. Why can’t we learn from each other – why do we need a middle person who’s only in it to promote their “New You” book of the month?

Imagine the possibilities and the power of creating a connection through shared joy?

If Capture Happy can be a small spark in the conversation to focus our attention on all the positive traits we have in common then it’s well worth the effort.

Maybe the story you share will be that small moment that causes someone to stop and rethink. Maybe your story helps a runaway daughter reconnect with a lost father. Maybe your story brings a family closer together in a time of crisis – or maybe your story brings a smile to someone else’s face. No measure and no price can be put on the smallest or largest amount of happiness. To us, each should be precious and protected. Something to be passed down from generation to generation. To fill the gap in the distance we create between ourselves.

Happiness is not about a peaceful and sustainable bliss. Quite the opposite is true. Happiness is only noticeable when you’ve experienced the ups and downs of life. How else would you know what happy felt like unless you’ve gotten up from being down?

Happy not shared is happy not truly experienced. For happiness to have true meaning and purpose it must be shared. It must be given. If your idea of happiness hurts someone else then is it really happiness?

Capture Happy is a journey to be traveled together. The fuel is our story. The vehicle is you. All that’s left is the destination. Are you in? If so, I got shotgun…. It’s gonna be a fun ride.

To connect is to share. We cannot be afraid to give of ourselves. We cannot be afraid to let others see what makes us happy. It’s OK to be the mechanic who loves opera. It’s OK to find happy in the opposite of what people expect.

Whether it’s an individual, a family, a school, a community or even a country – it’s the underneath that matters. It’s the happiness of the soul and spirit. That’s the true measure of our health. Sometimes it takes a real accounting of that fact. I personally want to discover what our spirit says about us – don’t you?

I hope to bring you stories of happiness. Some will be shared in words, others in images, and others told first person on camera. I hope you will come back every so often and contribute – join the conversation. Maybe you just might find a smile or a giggle along the way. And if that’s all that happens, then it’s been well worth it.


I wanted to do something different. I wanted to be a part of a creative conversation. Simply said, I wanted to help. I had spent far too many years putting off that voice in my head – not the crazy one but the other one. That one that sounds like James Earl Jones – DO SOMETHING it said in that booming voice.

Well, who can say no to a voice like that. And the quest began rather quickly.

Two motivating factors drive me. One, the memory of my grandfather. He always did for others. He lived a good life and was an honest man. My memory of him is my conscience. It’s his voice (not James Earl Jones) that gives me direction. That sets my compass. The second is inspired by the first. I want my son to see what happiness means through action. Not by words alone. I want to make him proud. I want to give him the tools he needs to set his own compass.

I have a saying that’s been passed down but one that my son can repeat back to me by heart. – You have three names in this world. The one you’re born with, the one your parents give you and the one you make for yourself.

The last is the only one you can control. But it’s the one that can positively or negatively affect the first two.


More background......How did the idea of capture happy begin?

About 6 months ago I started to explore the similarities between major religions. I had been hearing too much about how we are separated by our faith. While not being a religious person, I was interested in learning what brought us together rather than what separated us.

The idea was to begin a journey of exploration by interviewing local people of faith. Whether they were members of the church, successful business people, politicians, or even a barista at Starbucks.

The goal was to capture the commonalities and connections that we all share – regardless of background, creed, color, etc.,

Not soon after, I realized it might’ve been a bight more than I could handle. Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it justice but it could be an offshoot of Capture Happy in the future.

So back to Capture Happy – the reason for all of this. To be honest, it started with the name. But the idea had always been inside of me.

(Happiness is a personal thing. What brings you happiness may not bring your friend happiness. The happiness someone might find in getting married might be the same kind of happiness a child finds by playing the in the mud.)

Provide a place for people to share what happiness means to them. There is no operational definition for happy. Happiness takes on the meaning we give it and by the situation we find ourselves.

I am not an expert but just a guide - facilitator. A jump starter for a conversation to begin.

Eventually the website will provide a sense of community. A place for people to share ideas and stories about happiness. I want to capture and share those stories with others.

Vehicles for sharing:
• Blog
• Short videos where I interview everyone from a mechanic, to a politician to a student, couple, minister, therapist – etc., - posted on the site.
• Featured blogs, articles, sites (Happy Partners)
• Recommended books
• Twitter feeds of those on the same journey
• Happiness picture of the week
• Happiness story of the week – RSS feed etc.,

If the concept works – eventually, content can be chunked out into categories. Happiness in business, life, school, marriage, partnerships – etc. people can find inspiration from someone just like themselves or who have gone through a similar situation.

Video Project: Capture Happy Charlotte – discovering the happiness of our local city. What lies beneath the surface of our city and her people?

Keeping it simple is my main objective. “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein”

Give them the story.
Let them share their story – write, video uploads
Read stories of others.
Find inspiration.
Find a sense of community
14 years ago
#1 and #2 The concept of the "camera capture" is interesting but comes off as a target site. The happy face and its color scheme is just a little too scary. I do like the font style.
14 years ago
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