Entry 5/6 - We like the trees and water and girls having a good time. We don't really like the idea of some of the text being all caps. We'd probably prefer regular title case, but something all-caps might work in certain circumstances.
The shape is the biggest hurdle for this one. Girl Scouts love collecting patches for their vests/uniforms. The shape makes this look like a patch for camp that we'd sell for one year as opposed to a logo that we plan to use for many years to come.
#56 - Can you find a different girl icon. We like the longer hair and the running, but the hand over the head is throwing us off. Also, a color besides orange that works with the rest of the design.
I moved the girl's hand down and changed her hand to look more like she was waving an excited hello as she runs into camp. Of my designs, this is my favorite. The colors have a natural feel and the swath of grass below the trees gives the logo more of the feel of an actual place. Thanks and good luck with your Thursday meeting!
#132 - Can you do a variation of this that's a bit more simple/streamlined. Maybe just the top arch. Instead of the girl, maybe a campfire or horse. People are liking this style a lot, but it feels a bit "graphic-y" instead of "logo-y" (Aren't technical terms great).