#1 - The four boxes with the icons inside are nice. The difference in width between the boxes at the top and the name at the bottom might be problematic. Can it be made less wide, either with the camp name in two lines underneath or next to the icons instead. I'm imagining gift items where there's a limited space to put a logo and as a result the width would force the top element to be smaller than would be desired.
#9, just for variation can you show the same logo but with one large box instead of the four small?
#9, #10 Both of these, I think, are solid logos. One of the features of our camp that is a differentiator compared to our competition is that our camps are for girls only. I'm not sure if that's coming across strong enough. Is there anything that can be done to stress that aspect. I'd like to show what you've done already, plus a more girl-centric alternative as well.
#10 - We like the font and picture. Can you replace the tree with a girl icon (maybe one of the figures from #3, or something similar that's more identifiable as a girl.)
#2 We're not ready to entirely dismiss this yet. We like the modern vibe, the colors and the trees at the top. The word Sac seems a bit cartoony. Could it be turned into a gradient blend going between yellow, red and orange (not necessarily in that order)
#10 - Forgot this in the last note. Can you leave a note with your ideas regarding how you would adapt this logo to work for other other camp so it's similar in style but looks different at the same time.
Thank you for all your input and I will be making some revises shortly. As far as my opinion with the gradient I would recommend staying away from it. Gradients are good for off set printing or digital printing not so much T-shirt printing. The more color variations you have the more your going to be spending down the road for numerous color set-ups. I own a printshop and have printed for numerous camps here in Northern California. Most the time they tend to order quantities in the 100s and keep it down to 1-2 colors due to the costs. Simplicity most the time seems to be the key for projects that contain hi volumes of printing such as tshirts, novelty, gift items etc. The more colors and setups involved the more money you will be dishing out to get those projects completed.
As far as adapting the logo to other camps you can keep the same font and change the elements in the design possibly focusing more on key elements of that particular camp. Maybe one camp is known for a lake or water sports as where the other camp is more focused on hiking and camping. I personally think if the camps are not the same location or hosts the same people it should be entirely a different logo. But if the camp is within the same location then something neutral that might contain both names such as Camp Sacajawea at Amity Acres.