Cabin CreekLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Cabin Creek

Cabin Creek has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 73 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Antiques, Gifts, Home Decor
What We Do
We sell antiques and rustic decor to tourists and seasonal residents in our small,mountainous Montana town.
Color Preferences
Due to the cozy, rustic nature of our store, I definitely lean toward warmer colors, as well as nature -inspired greens, browns, etc.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would definitely like to see a simple,but vintage-y , rustic cabin with a creek, mountains and trees. Cozy and homey, but not too sweet. A vintage-y log, type font possibly? We definitely want it to convey home, comfort and a cabin retreat feel. Our customers will be buying gifts and souvenirs to remember their visit to Montana as well as decor for their second home. I would also really like a logo and font that will work for our main exterior sign yet can also be customized for our bags, business cards, etc. I've attached a few pics of logos that are in the same vein of what I'd like to have, as well as a photo of the Main Street of our town where the store is located. Very, small, rustic, town. Thank you all so much! :)
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Thank you so much for your submission! The cabin may be a bit modern looking, and there appears to be a lake in the bottom half...a creek would be more appropriate to our area. I've added a few more comments and some pics to the design brief, which might give more direction!
7 years ago
Thank you, Visartes,for your submissions- I like the "crackled" vintage-y feel of your design! I would like to see a creek and the tag line, although I do like the simplicity of it...
7 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello CC,

Please make comments directed at individual designers to the designers logo page. Posting comments here give an unfair advantage to designers who have not yet entered because they will use these public comments to design their submission.

You can comment directly to a logo by click the design and posting a comment these comment s are hidden from everyone except you and the derringer.

If you did not know the first phase of your contest is blind designers cannot see each others work.

Please use this area to update the brief with ideas that have not been done by anyone else.

7 years ago
Thanks for letting me know...I was confused on how to provide feedback, and your instructions encouraged me to do so.
7 years ago
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