Oh, thank you so much for selecting my design! Any time is fine. You can contact me directly through the email address on the contract or you can send a private message and we can exchange contact information.
Actually, I will send you a private message so that we can start a dialog.
Yay! I'm so glad to be able to finally select you as the winner! I have a few questions about the logo files...whenever you have time we can visit about it, but with the holiday looming, it can wait if you're busy with family. There's no hurry! :)
Wow - I'm surprised how much I like this! For some reason, this one appeals to me more than the three color one. I'm going to have to look at this for a while to decide if it's better in one color, or like this. I hope I can choose!! Thank you for creating this version :)
You're welcome. I'm sure whichever design you decide to go with the designer will happy to assist you to make sure you get everything you need going forward.
Thank you so much for helping me learn! These files types are all completely foreign to me, so I don't have any sense of how editable they will be for me or our small -town sign producer!
It all depends of the length of your sign. I only have so much room within the submission size but these will be vector files which means you can scale anything as large or as small as you like without losing the quality.
Yes, you sign maker can change anything. Once the contest is complete and the files have been handed over to you, you own the design. You can do what you want with it :)
Well now that we're in the finalist phase, the pressures on to ask my last questions...first, do you think the text should be scaled up in this version or in your professional opinion, is this as big as we can go?
Have you had any crazy thoughts about different colors at all? I love it as is, but I'm worried that on the exterior sign we might want a bit of color. Can the sign manufacturer add that without violating some copyright law or something? ( told you I'm completely ignorant about all this!!)
Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is the font slightly smaller in this version? You're right - this Creek is best! It's slightly less driveway-like, the way it spreads out.
Also, regarding the shape of the exterior sign, would it work to just place the words to the right of the image to accommodate the shape of the sign? I definitely want to keep configuration as-is for the bags and any other placements...
So I think the new one is a bit busy, although I do like it. After giving it a lot of thought, I think we should ignore my son's driveway comment and keep the image as is ( although I'm open to any other ideas you have). I think when people read the name, they will be thinking "creek" so that's what they will see, if that makes any sense...
For some reason, my last comments on the new logo won't post..it keeps displaying that I can't ask you to use others' ideas in your logo, but I'm not doing that! Anyway...
Just a few thoughts/questions for you to ponder...first of all, my family is arriving home and they LOVED your design as well! My son wondered if there was any way to make the creek "more creek-like"...he thought it could possibly be confused with a driveway...
I'm also wondering if you think it would be do-able to rescale/reconfigure for our exterior sign, which will be a rectangle (running horizontally). The above layout is perfect for bags, etc. but do you think it will work as -is on the sign? BTW, as you're aware I'm sure, I'm totally new at this, so sorry for any dumb questions!
I apologize for the inconvenience of having to rank again. I'm a tweaker so I am always looking for ways I can improve my design :) If you think of any improvements, please let me k now.
Wow - I do like this even better, I think...a little more variation in tone! I like the lighter tree version as well, but I think both with the darker trees are just a bit more what I'm going for. Thank you so much for playing with it a bit - it's fun to see variations even though the original is so awesome! Really exciting! :)
LOVE IT!! Thank you so much for the revision...I knew there was great potential there! I love the simplicity, yet it still evokes the fuzzy nostalgic feel I'm wanting. I'm not sure what to suggest for revisions...if u have any ideas I'm open to them, and I'll let you know if I think of anything that might be fun to try...as of right now, I'm very happy with it as is! Thank you again! :)
Hi there! I'm sure you're super busy, and no rush, but I just wanted to encourage you to continue in the contest...I think your design has real potential! I love the simplicity of it, and I feel that at this point it could be a real contender with some tweaking. Thank you again and have a good day!
I like this - thank you! I think I would like it even better if a small simple cabin structure was separate from the tree and possibly even a mountain outline in the background, But I do really like the simplicity of the design and the vintage feel of the font. Thank you for joining the contest!:)
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Actually, I will send you a private message so that we can start a dialog.
Regards, Faith :)
Faith :)
Have you had any crazy thoughts about different colors at all? I love it as is, but I'm worried that on the exterior sign we might want a bit of color. Can the sign manufacturer add that without violating some copyright law or something? ( told you I'm completely ignorant about all this!!)
I'm also wondering if you think it would be do-able to rescale/reconfigure for our exterior sign, which will be a rectangle (running horizontally). The above layout is perfect for bags, etc. but do you think it will work as -is on the sign? BTW, as you're aware I'm sure, I'm totally new at this, so sorry for any dumb questions!
Regards, Faith
Regards, Faith
Regards, Faith
Regards, Faith