Not bad at all for a first shot ! We like the concept of the 3 little squares that somewhat symbolize "materializing" ideas into concrete software products.
A few notes:
- Let's keep an all-white background - I don't like the fact that the bottom part of the "i" is missing - The font is really way too common (Simple Arial this one :) ?) - We don't want an extravagant / exotic font either (and please no Eurostyle or Neuropol like tech fonts that are just so overused). Something somewhat round and reassuring, yet with an edge and sharpness to it. The guys in the top 3 - 4 are on the right track, but please feel free to try something different. But, in the end, the choice of font will be a determining factor in this particular contest.
Now, that being said, and knowing how good and creative you are, let's try to see if you can come up with 1 or 2 more unique concepts... ;-)
You were right, it looks good when the "Tech" is darker. Can you please try a couple shades of darker grey in between the grey of #156 and the black #153 ?
Also, can you please try a variation on this: make the first green dot at the very top lighter than the second one ?
Congratulations ! Three times was a charm... After Pirate Import and Arthus & Co, where you did not win, I'm very happy that you finally won one of my contests !
I pretty much knew you had hit it on the nose when I saw the first draft. The little dots above the "i" give a unique feeling of alchemy, almost magic, which is what we were looking for. And it looks very enterprise level. It's perfect for what we wish to communicate.
I'll have another contest next year for a high-level start-up project we're working on. The prize will be $1000. I'll be sure to contact you when we launch.