We really like this set of designs! Thanks for submitting.
#81 there is something about this one that we find very interesting. #77 We really like the use of the compass rose, but would like the North, East, South, West direction to be a bit longer then the others. Here is an example. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/compass-rose-8484182.jpg
#89 We like the use of Columns that are above and below the word Brix, but wondering if you could show them to use maybe to right or left of the word Brix. We really like the use of architectural symbols so any other ideas you have would be welcome!
These are great and we are in the process of ranking. The idea behind #134 is really cool. We like a saturated image in the background. Do you think we could see?
1) The background image a little more subdued? 2) Expirimentation with some other images as background? Maybe something like a stack of columns or anything that is a little wider.
#81 and #126, we love these! Can we see the following on both designs?
1) The word "Group" below the word "BRIX" 2) The word "Group" below the word "BRIX" with a line separating the two words.
#127 and #128 We really love the polishing you did to the compass rose! Thanks.
In #127, can you 1) Move the compass so it isn't touching the letter B? 2) We would like to see the compass in another color from the word BRIX. Maybe shades of grey and black or any other ideas you have. 3) We would like to see the compass encased (similar to #128) so it isn't free floating. Maybe something like this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3XoemCeYgXc/T5kN0lkzguI/AAAAAAAAAOc/R1eknyB6mZo/s1600/compass_rose_gold1.jpg. A light colored circle or something that gives it a bit more structure.
Thanks so much again! Very excited to see your designs.
We are so happy to see that the word Group works well! For #193 and #194 can we see the word Group with a little less space between letters. Thanks so much! Love the work.
For #197 and #198, can you place the compass rose at an angle so the longer lines are slightly titled?
For #196 and #198, can we see the the compass rose in maybe a cream and taupe shade. Our website has some grey so we are hoping to find a color that would pop there.
Hello, we are very excited to have you in our top 5 and are very happy with everything you have submitted so far. Here are some notes for moving forward.
We are eager to wrap this up soon, so we are excited to see what you have to share. Thanks again.
Graphics / Objects. 1) We decided that we are NOT interested in an actual pictorial representation, including ideas we had before (door knockers or compass rose).
Font Selection BRIX to be in all caps. 1) Would like to see versions both BRIX and BRIX GROUP. Open to GROUP or Group. 2) Would like to see some experimenting with both serif and sans serif. Regardless of type, should be clean, classic, and sophisticated without it looking too techie or hard to read.
Treatments / Abstract 1) Since we may not go with a pictorial, we are open to seeing the word BRIX made more interesting through lines, markings, etc.
Colors 1) We are happy with the rust shade, but are open and would like to see any other shades you think might look good. 2) We are happy with having contrast with accent colors like shades of cream, taupe, grey, and any other colors/shades you think might work well.
1) We decided we don't want a line under BRIX. 2) We would like to see versions of Group and no Group under BRIX. 3) We like BRIX in rust and the lines separating the letters in grey. 4) We would like to see the word group in a darker shade of grey than the lines. 5) We would like to see some versions of smaller spacing between the letter and lines in BRIX.
We LOVE #195 and how you mixed both sans serif and serif together. It really gives it an interesting feel.
These should be the two final items we'd like to see.
1) SPACING: We think the spacing between BRIX in #297 might be a little tight. We are okay with GROUP spacing, but feel free to adjust if you need to. Can you try to do the spacing of BRIX somewhere between #297 and #195
2) COLOR: Can we see a version of #195 with GROUP in a dark shade of grey (lighter than spaces separating BRIX)? You can this with adjusted spacing mentioned above.
#331 This is the one! We plan on closing the contest first thing on Monday morning, but before then, can you please supply the following. Although we know this is the logo we will select, there are just a few things we'd like to see.
1) Can you please move GROUP just a little lower below BRIX? Nothing substantial, just a tiny bit more space between the two words.
2) I know we are being picky about the spacing on GROUP, but we'd like to either see the letter G fall under the first spacer, O fall under middle spacer, and P fall under last spacer OR all letters to be squished together a little bit so G and P are inside the spacers.
Thanks so much again. We are very excited to see the revisions and select the perfect one!
#354 is perfect. The only other item we asked about that we would like to see before selecting is a few different options for font choices for the word GROUP. BRIX is perfect so please leave that as is.
For GROUP, we would love to see 2-3 alternative sans serif fonts and 2-3 alternative serif fonts.