Font is too feminine, not bold enough. Star looks a little bit like a shiny nose, dog could look more dog like. Could be neat to see rectangle variations. Perhaps almost stamp like? We'd also be curious to see something similar to this as a dog in a space helmet.
Generally we are looking for the designs to have a little more "badass" attitude in them, these are elegant and that is good, but being a little more gritty/edgy would be good too, basically in other words, this is playing it "safe" and we are comfortable taking a bit more of a risk.
We like these new designs, but the dog isn't space dog enough. Perhaps thinking about giving him his helmet? And making it focus on his head like before instead of showing the whole body? Also, the font is a little too cartoonish, could be firmer. But these are definitely more in the direction we are heading.
Love entry #19, only thoughts on it are that perhaps the dog's body could be turned towards us to make it more powerful? So he isn't looking back at us? Also, the shooting star may make it look a little too goofy, but not too bad (I am 50/50 on it.) Like the new font, much more what we are looking for. Would be cool to see this in a horizontal layout with the font of similar size to the emblem. Any variations on this theme are totally appreciated.
We are leaning towards a horizontal orientation and love #30. Our worry is that the helmet looks a little like one of those cones they put on dogs that get stitches. Would it be possible to see something like this horizontal with it clearer that the helmet is not a cone? Thanks!
For #30, #25, #27 and ones like those....we like them but we are worried they are too childen's book-ish, meaning we are a marketing agency and need them to appear "classy" while also representing our brave mentality. We think it might help to simplify them a bit? Can we see some options that are a bit simplier, and classier but with the same direction? Thank you!
For #8, can we see more definition on the nose so it stands out from the star? perhaps a small line to separate it? Can we see this with little or less gradient? Making it more 2-d? Thank you!
Ok, I added some more choices. I simplified the full body dog, and changed the type of space helmet to the kind they actually wear at NASA, and not just a glass bubble.
Also, regarding that initial round entry, you asked me to make my dog, look more 'dog like' -- so I added some ruffled fur, and shaped his nose a little.
As always, if you see anything about one logo, you'd like combined into another I've done, just say the word! :-)
Des - Thanks so much for these submissions...they are heading in a direction we love. Would it be possible to see a combination of #91 and #81 so the logo is still square but the dog is wearing a circular space helmet? We like this logo, but right now it looks more like a sled-dog rather than a space dog. Also, could we move the star away from the dogs nose so it is centered? We just don't want it to look like it is sniffing the star. Thank you for your great work.
For #80, #92, we really like these as well (they are our 2nd favorites.) The space helmet looks great on these, very clear. We are a little worried the dog looks too much like a horse from afar, would it be possible to make clearer as a dog? It's stance and proportions are what is making it look like a horse. So changing any of those with some variations would be great. Thank you!
For #79, would it be possible to see the lettering moved to the right of the dog so the dog is looking at it? Also, can the text be on two separate lines?
Ok, I made the full-body dog less horse-like (I had that same thought myself about it!) by shortening the tail, and tail hair, more definition on the paws so they don't look so much like hooves, and also shortening the body overall, and giving more of a dog shape to the muzzle. I also took the neck hair down a bit, as I could see how that might be mistaken for a mane.
I have uploaded variations of positioning with that one.
And for the dog's head, I have uploaded a few choices for star placement and appearance of the helmet. In this case, the helmet needs to just be a round bubble to keep with the simplicity of the design.
Numbers #80 and #114 are our favorites of the latest variations. We have the following feedback and thoughts: 1) We still think this is the best way to show that the helmet is in fact a helmet, but we fear as of now it looks a little "pasted on." Is there anyway to integrate the helmet more with the dog and make it look less clip-art style? 2) Currently the dog is turning its neck back towards the logo, could we see some variations that have the dog looking straight at the logo? Looking forward? We want the dog to be aware the logo is there and not surprised by it. He is a work dog, he knows it is there and is proud it is there. 3) A couple of folks have mentioned the dog still looks a little horse-like, anything we could do to make it look more dog-like would be great. 4) We really like the text styles on both of these entries and so we just want to get closer to getting the dog right.
Ok, I have uploaded entry #133. He is a completely new dog, but still based off the same wolfish or shepherd type style as the previous dogs. The dog, Brave One was a large white shaggy dog, and from what I can tell similar to a husky, so that is why I chose this style of dog. Also, he has been 'fitted' for his helmet :-) and I did my best to integrate the helmet with the dog by fitting the bottom around his neck.
The helmet can have any colors you'd like, and the dog does not have to have a bent front leg, I just did that to keep a bit of 'movement' with the design.
Desiree - We really like #91 and think it could be what we are looking for. Could we see some variations that do the following: 1) Move the text to the right of the dog so it is horizontally formated 2) Remove the blue box around it so it is just the noble dog and the star silhouette against the blue 3) Can we see it in similar blues to #129 and #247? 4) Can we see it with white backgrounds?
Ok, I have uploaded a few that represent the requested changes, plus a couple of other things I thought you may want to see (I flipped the dog so he is looking at the logo)
Also, I wasn't sure if you wanted to make the box smaller and more square that the dog is in, or keep it roughly the same size?
And what was it you meant by white backgrounds? I did upload one so that it is on a dark background and the box is white, and the dog is dark (matching the background it's on)
as always, let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see :-)
We really like #256. We have the following thoughts and requests: 1) Would it be possible to see this style in a couple of different colors? We ideally would like to "own" a distinct accent color, but feel some of these blues might be too dark. Ideally we'd stay with blue, but we are totally open to other colors as well (except green.) 2) Some are concerned that the box and the dog inside the box are too small, and harder to see. Can we see at least one where we make it a bit bigger? 3) Some also mentioned that it might add definition to the dog's head if there was a little more blue on the left side of the box to give a bit more separation between the dog's ear and the white space. We'd like to see one like this, but again, not dedicated to using it if it doesn't look good.
Ok, so I definitely agree that putting some more definition behind the dog's head works better.
I'd like to point out too, that I modified the dog's head a little bit more so it translates better when the square IS small. Note the difference between #274 and #277 -- with the latter being a bit more clear. I also made the star a little larger, so it's not lost when the logo is small.
As for the shade of blue, I have added quite a few different choices, as well as a couple of wildcards:
#272 - Orange - communicates high energy and fresh ideas #275 - Brown - more down to earth, (although this kind of reminds me of a logo for a brand of chocolate) Brown also sometimes conveys luxury and comfort without being too over the top. #273 - Plum - (My personal favorite) conveys a similar feeling that blue might, with an added sense of exclusivity/luxury without betraying the need for masculinity.
also, with regards to the color, if you want to better communicate what kind of blue you are looking for, (without having to try to describe it in words) you are welcome to play with this online color picker: --- This is almost exactly what I see what I choose my colors for your logo. If you slide the dot around on the square and use the sliders, you'll see the box to the right change to what you have selected at that moment. if you find a shade you like, you can just tell me the number that appears in the box at the top.
Granted, you don't have to to that, just thought it may be easier than trying to say things like 'well its a shade of blue somewhere in between the sky and a blueberry." :-)
KEEP in mind that sometimes what you see on your computer screen won't always print exactly the same, but whoever handles your printing can help you with that. Also, they would be able to make your logo any color you'd like as long as you provide the .EPS file to them.
Anyway, I hope I didn't overwhelm you with all this information, colors can be a complicated thing to explain. :-D