Entry #62. I like this one. Can you make the "hill" in the background a little more prominent or a little less gradual and sloping but still centered. Perhaps one with a block "E" and one without. Keep the setting sun and also, can you insert a small pyramid looking hill in the left background? This resembles our local skyline which is a recognizable landmark. I like the softer colors although we may experiment with some different options. Thanks.
Entry #63. This is good. I would like to see the same one with the present "E" removed, and another with a small white block "E" centered near the top. You have captured the mountain landscape very well. Thanks.
Entry #71 Suggestions: lower the setting sun like in design #62 Change the font to a block style Experiment with colors. Perhaps BRACKENS in red, sky blue, mountains grey.
Entry #74 Still trying to find the right combination ? I like your layout but not sure on the colors. Lets try this. Please Keep everything the same except restore the mountain color to the same as in #71