BoopsieLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Boopsie

Boopsie has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 205 designs from 47 different designers from around the world.


Logo Designer
The Concept is that Dogs are great at finding things... thus the sniffing, searching dog name "boopsie?" maybe. Then the "i" is different colored signifying the "it" he's or "your" looking for. Anyway just an idea. let me know what you think.
15 years ago
Extremely clever!! Well done! Very well done! Would LOVE to see the typeface stand alone as well.

Thank for the entry!
15 years ago
If there was any way to make the dog into an iconic shape that would possibly be used for an iphone app icon, would love to see that as well.

Most creative submission yet!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's what I got. #53 shows the type face by itself, just as you asked. Also #54 shows a concept for App. And Finally #55 shows a slightly different dog (maybe a little more stylized) but this concept also shows another typeface I liked and some different colors. Let me know what you think.. Also I can combine any of the options seen. Thanks for your interest.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi again. #74 shows a different App image.. and #75 shows the same dog as #41 just different font and slightly different colors. Would you be opposed to Red and Blue?
15 years ago

Gosh, I've go to say that this dog is really growing on me. Just keep bouncing around the marketing idea that the dogs name is "boopsie". Anyways, I appreciate all the work you've been doing, and the variations.

I like the close up version of the icon (#74) but at a small size (20x20 pixels) it's hard to see what it is. Where as in #54 you can make out the tail. Also I like that boopsie is under the dog in #54 and larger compared to #66.

I will say, the font I'm liking the most right now is the one you're using in #75.

Thanks for asking about the colors red & blue. I'd actually prefer to stay away from that combo. To "americana" if you know what I mean.

Great work again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's another revision. APP and logo together #115.
15 years ago
#115 is great!!! I love what you've done with the "b" and using the dog as the circle cut out. Even reads well at a super small size!

Can you please do me one favor if you have a spare moment. In version #115 can you keep the icon next to the typeface but take out the dog that's on sitting on top of boopsie? Then shrink the size of the icon, or increase the text size of the font so they are a bit more even?

That would be great! We've been getting great response from this option.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
glad that you're liking these ideas! Here's #124. I like the orange and black option when I made the Icon, so I decided to do a version with only those two colors #125. I still like make the "i" a different color. It's the "it" you're looking for. anyway. enjoy
15 years ago
Yeah... The orange and black does work nicely. Funny thing is, we had just developed an entirely different companies brand identity using the exact same colors, so I'm a tad hesitant to use them again. But the way we're looking at this contest is that color options are really just a bonus in all these entries. The real magic is in the concept its self since colors can be explored after the fact very easily. :)

So I was looking at some of the subtleties of differences between the two dogs #54 and #66. I definitely like the detail and position of the dog in #54. If you're the winner of the contest, do you think you could make the dog look a bit "skinner"? He looks a little chunky right now. hahahaha... I know it's nit-picky, but had to mention it since the concept has been growing on us.

Thanks again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I would gladly be able to make the dog skinnier.. ha ha.. no problem. Thanks for your interest.
15 years ago
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