I can see that. Your work is beautiful! I wish I could draw...
I really like your leaping women, they have a beautiful sense of movement. Are you a dancer? But her hair is freaking me out a little. :-) Could you try one with more flowing hair, rather than spikey?
And I like your idea of the colours changing from purple through to blue. That's lovely. Could you exaggerate that even further?
Could you try drawing a leaping woman with her arms thrown up in the air as she leaps and her back arched? ie more like someone jumping up in the air as they leap. See the comment I left in the main page, with a link to an image I liked on Google Images.
Thanks! It's 9.30 at night here, so I'll be going to bed in a few hours. Will check again in the morn.
Thank you for ranking! Your comments are appreciated and though I would like to dance well, drawing is my forte...
Here is #14 and #9 with perhaps less freaky hair with the addition of more strands and flow and exaggeration of the transition of colors: #24 and #26...
Also text variations of #9: #27, #28, #29 and #30.
I like the fact you drew a new movement in #23, but she looks a bit uncoordinated somehow, I can't put my finger on it, but it looks like her torso is rotating while her legs are jumping. (But that might just be to my eye, as I am trained in observing human movement! If you look on my website, you'll see what I meant by a person leaping with their arms up in the air. It's http://www.feldenkraismelbourne.com.au/ That ol' image I've been using on the left of the site just seems more joyful somehow.
Re the hair, I can see that you've made it less spikey and that does look a little better. But I'm realising now that it wasn't the spikiness that bothered me, it was the way the strands stuck up in the air, instead of streaming down. Any way the hair could stream down more? Especially in the horizontal pics, like #24. Am wanting it to look really flowing.
Re #24, I'm wondering if it might look better with the simpler font you've used in #30? (I've ranked #30 3rd because I like the font and colouring in the wording the best.) Because the picture is so feminine, it might be good to have a nice masculine font for the text.
In all your sketches, I think the word MASTERY should be in the stronger colour (purple), so the eye is drawn to it. I really need that word to be emphasised.
Re the colour change you made in #24, I like the stronger use of colour, but I wonder if it would look better if the colour gradiation went horizontally rather than vertically. ie she starts out in strong purple on one side and fades through various blues to end up on the lightest blue on the other side. It might draw the eye more into the journey of her leap through the air.
Re #26, same suggestion applies with the font and the hair.
Re #30, I've had another idea you could use to balance out the vertical woman with the shorter text instead of shrinking the woman down. You could put the words BODY MASTERY one on top of the other and stack them both next to her legs. They might then balance her out a little better.
I do like how you've run the vertical woman up in between the wording in #28. I wonder if you could find a way to turn her front leg into the "S" from Body Mastery. That might look really COOL!
I do have one reservation about your vertical woman though, even though it's very striking. I guess maybe it's because even if people do my program, let's face it they're never going to be able to do the splits! I'd love them to be able to jump and leap and run freely. So maybe a less extreme movement for her?
ps - See the general post I've just added. It has some new ideas in it.
ps - To save you trawling through my general comments, the new idea I suggested there was using both a male and a female body in the logo. So the program will appeal to both men and women. But I don't want them to look like a dancing couple... Give it a go, if you can!
Here is also a new version with subtle design elements acting as a shadow for the female figure's new movement; also with the letter "s" as non-cursive and part of the "M"...
Re #31. I like this one, it's more joyful. I like her arms up in the air. It evokes dancing for me more than jumping or leaping, but it's still nice. relaly like the detail in the shadow. I like subtle intricate stuff like that.
I think the font is too swirly. Given the image is very feminine, I think it needs a less swirly font, maybe like the one you used in #30, or something in between the two. Although I must say I like how the "m" and the "s" join up.
Hi Tahnee, I gave her a new hair do with the text of #30. Also I'm trying a slogan with it. I've checked out your site and I see what you had meant about leaping/jumping. Thanks...
I designed a new jumping figure with design elements below it: #33 has the color gradience from top to bottom and #34 from left to right. More designs to follow...
I'd love to see lots of other explorations on this theme! Playing with colours, and the decorative bits and the text... and of course the "do". But it's a FAB start!
Yes, get sleep. I'm heading towards midnight here myself...
Hi Tahnee, Here's another design with also a male figure included. I aimed to create balance between the two figures... And added light design elements above the text. Thanks, Melissa
TWO FIGURES: Wow, #37 is a great start on the two figures!
I love the body shapes on these two figures! I really like how they are both leaping into the air, arms up, facing each other. It's lovely and balanced. I like the swirling detail between them.
I'd like to see you try some different things with the text. At the moment, the words "Body Mastery' seem a bit too squashed together vertically. Maybe you could have a little space between the two words?
Also, at the moment, the words get a little lost because the image is so beautiful and detailed. Maybe you could try making the words wider, so they balance out the two figures horizontally? Or put them next to each other, like in #30? Whatever you think looks best.
If you do that, you could try one of my longer taglines, eg "Move freely. Live without pain!"
SINGLE FIGURE: I like your figure in #33/#34 the best, although I also still really love #32.
The only thing I don't like in #33/#34 is the graphic underneath her body. All the other swirly details you've done in your other pictures really help convey movement. ( eg the gorgeous trailing shadow under her foot in #32.) This decorative detail in #33/#34 just seems to be there to fill in space or balance the image. I wonder if you could try it with a different kind of decoration under her, something conveying movement?
For #37: I spaced the word "MASTERY" out a bit from each letter and from the word "BODY" on #43; also created #39 and #48. These two look about the same with slight differences in colors, but the text on the latter is spaced further more than the first.
For the figure on #33/#34, I created a flowy "y" from the emphasized word "Mastery" on #40, with adornments on #41. On #42, the word "BODY" are all in uppercase.
As mentioned above, I tried the tagline "Move freely. Live without pain!" It doesn't seem too long with the current font.
Thanks... I'd like to work on this some more. I do have to wake up early this week, so I have to sleep earlier. I'll check back tomorrow...
Hey Melissa, I really love #40. It's very striking and beautiful and sleek.
I showed a friend all the designs so far and he said they were all so feminine it would put men off the site! So given that my leaping figures are very pretty, I think it's better to use these kind of strong masculine fonts like the one you've used here, and to remove all the swirly decorative bits, like you've done here.
I have a feeling #48 might look just as striking if you take out all the swirly bits in the middle (they look a bit too christmassy for me too...) and either have the space blank, or maybe make the centre filled with light somehow...
And then once the middle is less busy, you could maybe do the same things with the word 'mastery' here as you did in #40.
Then I'd have two simple striking samples to choose between: single figure and double figure. That way I can decide which one to keep exploring with you.
ps - I'm coming closer to finalising my tag line. My current favourite is "Free your body. Empower your life.'' Can you try it with that one? And I'd prefer it in a simpler font, not the cursive one. T x
Hey Melissa, great work. The logo is getting closer, I can feel it!
I'm still not decided on what to do with the leaping figures, but I am starting to get clear on exactly which font styles I like. See the list below. Here are four slight variations I'd like you to do when you get time. (No rush - I don't want you to be sleep deprived!)
(A) If I'm going to have one leaping figure, I'd rather have a woman and I'd like her in the position she's in in #67. Can you make me a version of #67 with the 5 font elements I've described below?
(B) If I'm going to have two figures: I like the two figures facing each other, and I do prefer the woman a little smaller and higher up, like she is in #69. Re the positioning of the two figures, I think they're too far apart in #66 (too much empty space) and too close together in #69 (the hand holding is a bit too romantic. :-) Can you do a version that's somewhere in between, with the 5 font elements I've described below?
(C) I like the two figures side by side, but I want both figures to be clear. ie I don't want the woman's head or arm disappearing, like in #63. I think I prefer the colour gradiating vertically, like in #63. Can you do a version of #63 with the purple starting a little lower on the man, like it does on the woman, and with the 5 font elements I've described below?
(D) My friend had a great idea for another two-figure design. His idea is to do a design like #67, but also add in the male figure above the letters "STERY', and flip him so his face is facing the woman. So one figure will start jumping a little higher than the other. If that looks too unblanced, swap them around, so the smaller woman's on the right and the larger man is on the left. Can you try a version like this, with the 5 font elements I've described below?
Here's my list of things of 5 font elements to definitely include in the above designs:
(1) Have the long swirl under the "y" WITHOUT the little curl at the end. Like in #67, not #64. (2) Make the long swirl under the "y" transition from purple to blue. Like in #69. (3) Use the font for ""BODY MASTERY" you've used in #62 and #69, depending on the positioning of the letters. (4) Use the font for the tagline that you've used in #63. I'm not sure yet which colour to put it in, I guess that will depend on the rest of the elements. (5) Have some blue in the background, rather than having it all white. Like in $67, not #69. But maybe with a little more blue - ie a little more saturated. (I do also quite like the purply-blue background in #66, although it's a bit intense, so it might be worth seeing one that's a little less saturated ...)
Hello Tahnee! I'm sorry I didn't get to post my comments last night. It was late and I had one more to submit that night and started having ISP(Internet Service Provider) connection problems. I hope to fix that tonight when I get home. I'll get to work on the requested designs as soon as I can...
Last night, I was thinking to place the male and female together to have one overall symbol. The one I was going to submit was a solid colored figure, that perhaps would make the design a lot less feminine. I had placed the single male figure in a couple designs for the same reason.
Thanks... I'll submit the changes as soon as I can...
ISP's fixed!...Got some sleep too! Changes were made according to the font elements mentioned above, except for the designs for (D). I moved the word "BODY" to create space... The background was made more saturated for the blue/white style and lightened for the blue/purple style...
(A) Here is #67 with the font elements mentioned above with slight variations of the "y" length per criteria listed above regarding the font of "body": #82 & #83; #84 & #85.
(B) The figures in #66 has been brought closer together. These are ones with the woman on the left side or the right side and higher than the man: #86 & #87, #99 & #100; ones with their heads on the same level: #88 & #89...
(C) The gradience on the man for #63 was changed to #90, #91. Also another version with the gradience used in other designs #92 & #93. I'm not so sure if these were what you had specified though...
(D) Here is the idea of your friend about placing the man above "stery", #94 & #95 and swapped #96 & #98.
Additionally, here is another way of conveying motion for the figures... #97. And as I mentioned above, one with solid colors #101, included the male figure also...
Wow Melissa, these are awesome!! You've got all the font elements perfect now and the big swoosh under the ""Y"! The logo is getting closer...
I'm not sure which of the two backgrounds I prefer. What do you think? Would one work better on a website than the other? I'm going to leave the decision about the background till later, once we have everything else locked down. So for now just do them all with a WHITE background, so we can lock down everything else in the design.
Just some very small changes so I can compare the different designs:
--I really like the simplicity of your latest design with the two solid colours, #101. I think it might be worth trying #96 and #88 with the two solid colours. (on a white background).
-- Can you also do #96, #88 and #101 exactly as they are, but on a white background, so I can compare all 5 designs.
For these next ones, please use the tagline "Move from pain to freedom"
Hi Tahnee, Background colors have been removed and solid colors added: #96: #104, #105. #86: #102, #103. #101: #106, #107. Also created a gradiated version for comparison #106...
I do realize that I forgot to remove the gradience on the "y" for the solid versions... Would you like to have them uploaded also?
As far as the background for web development, it can be removed by the web developer of your site. For example, if it is a Flash site, the EPS file (a requirement of logo tournament) will be imported in layers and the background would be a layer than can be removed if preferred.
The backgrounds on these designs help with the style and the setting of the logo...
I can also just make the background transparent for the required EPS file and it can go with any background color... The accompanying JPG file that is also required by logo tournament does not support transparency as an attribute, though. The JPG will need a background, white or any color, just not see-through...
I'd also like to see one of them in a slightly different colour scheme. I actually really like the colours that digital.attitude is using. The purple is a more blue-purple rather than a red-purple. Could you do #96 in that colour scheme?
I'd also like to see one of them in a slightly different colour scheme. I actually really like the colours that digital.attitude is using. The purple is a more blue-purple rather than a red-purple. (I just lurrrrv blue!) Could you do #96 and #89 in that kind of colour scheme?
ps - On these ones can you try the tagline "Move from pain to freedom!" (with an exclamation mark) on one of them, and "Move yourself from pain to freedom" (no exclamation mark, but an extra word "yourself") in the other.
Here is #89 in more blue-purpleish colors and with the new taglines: #109 & #110; and #96: #112 & #113. There are slight variations on the shades of blue... The black and white of each: #108 & #111...
I like the dark purple colour you've used in the word "Mastery" in #110, but the top half of the bodies are faded and transparent now and so is the word "Body" and I don't like that. It makes it all washed out and hard to read.
Can you do another one with the pale blue colour as rich as it was in #98 and with the darker colour like it is in #110? Thanks.
(I don't like the other ones you tried because they are all too washed out and there's no purple in them...)
I like the new tagline "Move yourself from pain to freedom" and think it might look even better with an exclamation mark on it. Can you try that in this one?
ps - The black and white images are GREAT, because they really help me to see the strengths and weaknesses of the two designs, separate from the coloours and the backgrounds.
Can you also do a black and white version of #106, just so I've seen all three designs and can compare them?
Between #111 and #108, I think I prefer #111. Mainly because my eye is drawn to the business name more in that one. Also, the tag line is quite squished in #108, as there is less space under the swoosh. Although #108 is a more balanced image...
Hi! I think the figures in #108 look like they could be jumping into each other... #111 does draw the eyes to the name first then to the figures. I think I like the compostion of that better.
Apart from the "y", the images are the same with different placements and scale...
Here is the latest from #120: #121... I did some tweaking and changed the right hand side of the man. Originally it was for the effect of ab muscles, but that doesn't look plausible from that angle anyway...
I also scaled up the overall images and smooth out some areas, tried to make things more proportional. And I can certainly relate to being anal... Also, I altered the woman's hair slightly with more strands and wave.
As for backgrounds, I like the ones on the last two. Periwinkle is actually my favorite color. I can include the different backgrounds on additional layers in the EPS file. The additional layers will not be visible right away, but if opened in a vector program like Adobe Illustrator, any layers can be made visible or invisible...Generally, the Illustrator software is a pretty common professional product used in print or design houses...
The backgound colors and style ought to help with how you want your website to look and feel, for branding or for your business card, letterhead etc. The background's size would certainly not work for a lot of them, it would need to be modified to fit the product that the logo would be applied on or even have the background removed... I hope this helps.
Thanks, these look great! And I appreciate your offer to send the EPS file with the different backgrounds.
The image is almost perfect now. Just a few tiny tweaks left to do: --Could you move the tagline a tiny bit to the left, so there is a bit more space between the exclamation mark and the swoosh. --Can you try make the man's hand a bit smaller (the one that reaches up) as it's a bit out of proportion to his body. --Can you try moving the woman a tiny bit up and to the right, so there is a tiny bit more space around the text on that side? (You may have to shrink her a tiny bit, if she ends up too much higher than him.)
The last thing I have to decide is the colour of the image. The latest ones you did #121, the dark purple makes the whole image too dark and somber. The old colours were much more cheerful, but on my screen they look red/burgundy, rather than mauve/purple. Is it just my screen? I suspect I'll be using blues and purples on my website, as I love those colours. Is there any colour in between these two options?
Once I have the logo, I'll give it to my web developers and ask them to build the look and feel of my new site around it. But they're not great with design, so if they do a crap job, would you be interested in doing it? You've done such a great job with the logo, I bet you'd do a great job with that. How much would you charge?
Hi! I submitted three color variations for purple: #122,#123, #124. The figures and text were adjusted.... These are the images in order from blueish to purple, even the previously submitted ones for comparison: #120, #121, #122, #123, #124, #98.
I'll be sending you an email about the possibility of web designing... Thanks! Melissa
Hey there, to me the latest three you've done just seem to be the same burgundy-wine colour you're been using all along, but in a darker tone... I'm talking about a different type of purple altogether, not just a different tone of the same colour.
Seeing the different tones of the burgundy has helped me realise that I don't want the bottom half of my figures too look dark, like they do in #122 and #123 and #124. The most cheerful one is #98, coz it's the lightest and brightest version of that colour. I'd like the whole jumping body to be light and cheerful, even if it is moving through different colours. (Although it might look okay if the very bottom part of the figure was dark, ie just the feet and lower legs.) But the bulk of the image needs to be cheerful.
Check out this link which shows all the main colours in the web palatte: (there is a whole section on the different purples about half way down the page)
The burgundy-wine colour you've been using is similar to what they call "Dark Magenta' and "Purple". The colours I like are "Blue Violet", "Dark Violet', and "Medium Slate Blue.' So from now on, to be clear, I'll refer to violet instead of purple.
I've looked at Google Images to find a few examples of different images with violet to show you what i mean:
This next picture is great, because it shows a cheerful violet flower in the front, with a hint of blue in the flowers behind, and the background is a burgundy-magenta colour similar to the one you've been using. So you can really see the difference: http://haleysonson.com/purple%20buttons%20on%20maroon%20WEB.JPG
Give the violet colour slate a try. If it doesn't work, then we'll just go back to the colour you used in #98, as that was by far the most cheerful, even if it is a bit too burgundy for my tastes.
Woohoo! I LOVE the colours you've used in the man and woman in #128. Just PERFECT. I love the shade of aqua in the top part of the body and the iridescent violet in the bottom half.
I prefer the word "Mastery' to be all in one colour, so I don't like #129. But the bodies are the perfect colour in it.
The final change is this: Can you please change the colour of the word MASTERY so that it matches the violet you've used in the bodies in #128. (I think it's actually the colour you've used in every second letter in #129.) The word MASTERY in the current #128 is too pale.
Looks great! Can't wait to receive your design. And congratulations on winning!
I just showed it to a colleague, and she loved it.
Can you make the final EPS able to be altered, in case I change my tagline later on? And could you please submit it with all three backgrounds.
I'll get back to you in a few weeks about the website. My web developers will be doing all the back end technical stuff on the pages, so the only thing I'd need your help on is the actual look and feel. But you never know, they might do an okay job by themselves, inpsired by your beautiful logo!
As the winner, I will upload the EPS when I get home. The text/font, however, needs to be converted into outlines as an uploading requirement by Logo Tournament. That means the text are there as images unchangeable til brought to a vector application like Illustrator. The images are in layers and the layer with the slogan can be replaced from there. Part of the reason they are brought into outlines is because the receiving program may not have the font used in the file and the program may replace it with a similar but not the same font. So to keep the design intact, with the proper scale or letter spacing, text is converted to outlines.
For future use, the font used on the slogan is called "Calibri" and I'll have to look up the color codes/web colors at my computer at home... I'll send that info at that time.
Thanks, I hope your developers do a fantastic job! It would be efficient that way. :) You know more than one way to reach me, though...
Let me know if you need the different backgrounds and different kinds of files to be uploaded: "White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors. Additional requested formats can include .AI and .PNG." -Logo Tournament.
Thanks for the colour codes. Are they for both the aqua and the purple? Also, what's the font you used for the tagline?
I'd be really grateful if you could upload all those different versions. I'll be using the logo for lots of things, so as much variety as possible is great, especially given that I don't personally know how to use Illustrator (yet), so often I'll have to use the jpegs.
Could you also upload a jpeg in the small size WITHOUT the tagline. One with your beautiful purply-blue background and one with a white background. I'll use those for my email signature/ business card.
ps - I'm going to learn how to use Illustrator, since I have it on my desktop. I'm familiar with InDesign and Photoshop, so it shouldn't be too hard to learn.
But I have Illustrator Version CS, and it won't let me open your EPS file. It says you've saved it on a more recent version of Illustrator. It costs a fortune to upgrade the software... so I'm going to try to get it from a friend for free.
But if I can't, any way to save your EPS so it can be opened by an earlier version of Illustrator?
Hi Tahnee, I just uploaded a CS version of the EPS file in 350px by 280px (I didn't make the tagline in outlines on this one, as long as you understand the consequences of it as mentioned above, it will be fine) and uploaded a JPG file 1000px by 800px with a white background. It has letter w at end of the filename. I think emailing would be the easier route. The requirements for files in JPG has to be 1000px by 800px for the uploading to work... I just tried it with a 350px by 280px... I'll send you an email shortly...
Hey there, your new files haven't appeared on the download on this site. Might be best to email them directly to me.
The main ones I need are a small Jpeg WITHOUT the tagline with your normal coloured background and then the same thing with a white background. (The font of the tagline is so small in the small jpeg that there's no point having it there. It's fine without it.)