Blue Moon DealsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Blue Moon Deals
Blue Moon Deals has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 90 designs
from 21 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
For Deals That Are Out Of This World
What We Do
Ecommerce store offering a variety of specialty products. Similar to As Seen On TV products. Special offers. Products for both men and women ages 25-65.
Color Preferences
Blue for sure. Accented with Purple, Orange, Red, and/or White Don't have to use them all.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Blue Moon image is prominent graphical element. We are in Florida so we see a logo image as looking out on the ocean with the waves reflecting the light, Night scene with stars in the picture. Prefer a realistic image of the moon. See attached. Name Blue Moon Deals Needs to be large enough to be read even if it is small logo in a header. Please stay away from designs that look similar to the Blue Moon Beer logo. We like a more modern and easy to read font. The blue moon grille image (attached) was very nice, however, too ornate for what we are looking for.