Will you show me a version of 143 with a grid 7 columns wide (one for each letter in express in a tilted plane heading towards 1 or 2 o'clock (angle) on a clock face? Also going back in depth much like they do know, maybe even more pronounced.
That could be promising. Thanks for the submissions!
this submission and the one JUST prior are the best examples of getting some more 'angle' play for you.. you'll SEE the distortion that begins to happen once i start hitting that 1 or 2pm clockface in my next two submissions... i'd recommend one of these instead! ;)
guide me more as you see fit... any other shapes referencable that you like that i can work to.. well, distort? i didn't want to do a helix... everyone's doing that!
That's fine. I'm looking for a plane orientation like this: Letters on the vertical of waterfall (as they are now) The bands on a wide river feeding the waterfall with an origin about 1 or 2 o'clock (in the distance). Just a three band depth.
ok... had to snag a quick lunch... i'm really NOT this thick-headed, but i think i have something you may like here.. unless you DO have a specific reason for the "count" of the rounded squares.. take a look at this series.. hack and slash as you see fit!
it's EASY for me to redraw the cubes and actually MAKE the bottom row 'bigger and thicker' but it may look odd once i begin to scale it... lemme know!
i can add/change anything up as you know.. but the current 'shape' doesn't lend itself to being exactly over the word BIO... then allowing the rest to stretch across the rest of the text without getting ridiculously out of whack... SO, some of these have some play in them, and one has MORE than 7 wide... (didn't know if the 7 held a specific meaning to you and/or the Bio world?)
i might be pushing it here, but i'm so drawn to this angle... the color of the word BIO still prioritizes it to the eye/ and a new reader of your identity, but this angle creates so much more energy! soooo.. i had to give it to ya' and drop in the color changes for you also! ;)
per your email, here's the rendition that fits your request... hope you like it.. and thanks again for the opportunity to help you in your logo creation! the communication is so nice to experience! ;)